psyloxy (Newbee)
05-11-00 18:38
No 2852
      5-MeO-DiPT and harmala  Bookmark   

Is there a trip report of this combination out there on the net somewhere ?
I have heard of someone in the radio that happens to have both laying around and a party coming up tomorrow.

So I wondered how it would feel. 10mg foxy, 2g harmala, maybe a little (really little) shrooms and some ganja.


05-11-00 20:19
No 2902
      Re: 5-MeO-DiPT and harmala  Bookmark   

Hi psyloxy,

Did you read the Foxy-faq on the lycaeum. Or is it the primer or somethin...
(Hive Bee)
05-11-00 23:18
No 2982
      Re: 5-MeO-DiPT and harmala  Bookmark   

There is a report on Erowid concerning that combo. Only bummer? I don't recall seeing specific quantities listed. It's a report with two brothers and others in the jungle, fucking insects (big and virtual) hanging on the back of a bum tripper, etc. Good story though, fucking compelling.

05-12-00 01:26
No 3030
      Re: 5-MeO-DiPT and harmala  Bookmark   

Should theroetically work. Just watch your diet, those MAOIs are nasty things, I dreamt to
get fucking sick everytime I ingested some. Hm, well I can put this here again:

Psyloxy, you asked me bout Yohimbine. Got any more questions? Got some in CH recently, kicks
fucking ass off in my rats and snakes.


-- phaidon, son of apollon

I scorched the Earth, now what do I do tomorrow?
05-12-00 04:18
No 3083
      Re: 5-MeO-DiPT and harmala  Bookmark   

  Adding harmaline would not change the activity. The isopropyl substitutions on the amine make 5MeO-DIPT impervious to the action of monoamine oxidase, so adding an MAOI would have no effect on 5MeO-DIPT, which is already orally active. Harmaline is only desired for simple methyl-substituted amines, like DMT and 5-MeO-DMT, which are rapidly cleaved by MAO in the gut.

(Hive Bee)
05-12-00 07:57
No 3143
      Re: 5-MeO-DiPT and harmala  Bookmark   

If a MAOI doesn't affect foxy at all why does the '5-MeO-DiPT User Guide' speak of this combo (foxyhuasca) as something that is only for experienced psychonauts ? Was this only an assumption ?

Phaidon: how about the 'change of perception' with yohimbe ? Some older texts classify it as hallucinogen, newer ones speak of only slight changes, how's the body feeling and such? :] I would have no problem getting some. Could you make some advertisement for it ?


05-12-00 23:55
No 3463
      Re: 5-MeO-DiPT and harmala  Bookmark   


Firstly, psyloxy, foxyhuasca like all huascas is (mostly) longer lived, (mostly) more intense with
regard to mental effects (mostly, not always, depends on combinational dosage a lot...).
Plus, you have to go on a fucking diet. Read Ott's Ayahuasca analogues, nifty little book.

Secondly: YOHIMBINE - right I'll "advertise" it.

Well, lemme see..., ah yes, I've had both synthetic and organic Y. Organic was more stomach friendly,
but then it was taken with unnaturally large amounts of Vit C. Synthetic made me a bit sick.
Warm shudders down the spine is a top, but you have to get the dosage right. I'd recom-
mend 5 - 10 mgs. Not higher than 10 though, that could make you sick.
If you get organic, cook the bark in water with lime juice (lemon juice) for about 1/2 hr, sieve,
first through linen and then through a fine kitchen sieve. (Hell no, the OTHER WAY ROUND, I mean).
Then add per 150 ml of liquid 1 g Vit C. What I did was, I had 60 g bark, cooked in 2 l of H20 for
1/2 hr with juice of one lemon. Then sieved..., concentrated to 750 mls and put 100 (!) g Vit C
in it. Was sufficient for a whole party (40 + people) and bloody hell, I mean, we're old enough,
erection is madness with Y, sustainable, sex til' orgasm takes longer (much longer) and well,
after that you think your body exploded. It's really nice as an aphrodisiac but one has to find
the individual dosage. Synthetic might be abit more side effect laden, than organic, but then again,
with organic you don't know how much exactly you had and it tastes like SHIT!

I wonder why there are so few bees with Y experience. Come out now, Y bees, nothin' to be ashamed

Just saw, that you asked about "change of perception":

Well, I have to say, there's a very very very very small hallucinogenic quality to it, but it's
extremely weak. Visuals and stuff that is. Tactile hallucinations are more present in form of
touchy touchy and a slight to very strong (depends on dosage, whom you're with <img src="/wwwthreads/images/icons/wink.gif">...) dif-
fusion of skin boundary, i.e. you feel as if you merge with your (temporary ? <img src="/wwwthreads/images/icons/wink.gif">) partner.
Happened rarely though, it's mainly the physical effects that are prominent.
Hope it helps, psyloxy.


-- phaidon, son of apollon

I scorched the Earth, now what do I do tomorrow?
05-14-00 03:33
No 3834
      Re: 5-MeO-DiPT and harmala  Bookmark   

This is my first post to the Hive so please forgive me if I make any faux pas.

Hypothetically, how would the accidental ingestion of 10 mg of Yohimbine HCl affect the blood pressure of a
75kg person, provided they had observed all the dietary restrictions prudent for an MAOI? Assume that a few milligrams of the tryptamine substance 5-meo-dipt were also accidentally ingested. Could the MAOI properties of Yohimbine alter the effects of the tryptamine? Would such a combination create dangerous hypertension in the 75kg subject?

In a nutshell, if you tried this combo, would you be alright, or would you "pop something"?

Yours Truly,

Mr. Smith

(Hive Bee)
05-14-00 04:15
No 3863
      Re: 5-MeO-DiPT and harmala  Bookmark   

I doubt the MAO inhibiting properties of yohimbine. I've read an article a relatively long time ago but it looked plausible.


05-14-00 16:04
No 4047
      Re: 5-MeO-DiPT and harmala  Bookmark   

MAOI power of Yohimbine is relatively little but it IS there. If you're particularly sensitive
(don't ask) you might experience a little discomfort if you don't watch your diet. But otherwise,
one should be fine.

E.g. 4-OH-DMT + Y + not a careful diet made me awfully sick for 7 hrs.

I guess had I watched my diet, I'd been fine and would have had a wonderful time.
Well, there's always another chance...

Concerning blood pressure, you best go to a doctor and ask him what happens when a person with
bpcs (blood pressure change sensitivity) takes an MAOI, e.g. antidepressent.


-- phaidon, son of apollon

I scorched the Earth, now what do I do tomorrow?
05-14-00 20:18
No 4124
      Re: 5-MeO-DiPT and harmala  Bookmark   

Mono Amine Oxidase breaks down monoamines in your brain as well as your stomach and by inhibiting mao, with a short lasting reversible maoi's(harmine or harmaline), you can significantly enhance the potency, duration and intensity of many tryptamine based psychoactives, including those that are orally active already.


(Hive Bee)
05-14-00 22:25
No 4150
      Re: 5-MeO-DiPT and harmala  Bookmark   

He, seems I'm not the only one who is intrested in this combo. There's a thread running at the chemical alleys forum at the lycaeum.


(Hive Bee)
05-15-00 22:32
No 4574
      Re: 5-MeO-DiPT and harmala  Bookmark   

Are you so lazy ? ; )

[url]" target="_new">http://]


05-16-00 23:55
No 5208
      Re: 5-MeO-DiPT and harmala  Bookmark   

Y made me VERY conscious of my heartbeat: and anxiety/panic prone.

Maybe with a benzo by my side  I might try again sometime: but not likely.

A whole lotn like ephedrine in some of the low grade shitty speed feelings.



forget it.

Damn near as shitty as BZP as far as I'm concerned.


05-17-00 22:05
No 5812
      Re: 5-MeO-DiPT and harmala  Bookmark   


Why in God's name is BZP shitty? I know this doesn't belong here, but I posted a piperazine
post in General Discussion and I encourage you to share your ideas and experience about BZP
with us there. That's what the post was for.

Psyloxy: 5 mgs Y is too little usually, I found out yesterday. Next time I'll go for 10 mg.


-- phaidon, son of apollon

I scorched the Earth, now what do I do tomorrow?