alice_d25 (Hive Bee)
06-13-00 18:58
No 17162
      Ergot  Bookmark   

Does anyone have any details on where to find Claviceps Paspali?

Does it grow in commercial cultivars (Wheat/oats/rye/etc), and is it present in the soil etc.  Has anyone found this in OZ, and if so, in which areas?

I have some idea of what it looks like, now I have to find it!!

Does it grow in the grain after harvest, (ie in the silos?) or is it only while the plant is growing?  Once I have a culture can I grow it in a Lab environment, and if so, what would be the best culture medium?

Is it true that it grows on the surface of mashed weetbix when they are made up & left in cool place for X weeks?

nb Is it possible to make Lysergic acid from LSA (Morning Glory seeds etc) by Alkaline Hydrolysis?

Alice D25

"Trust in God, but tie your Camel" [Arab Proverb]
06-13-00 23:54
No 17238
      Re: Ergot  Bookmark   

I would like to know the same thing. Most of the symth. for LSD I have read are very hard for the average shade tree Chemist to understand. I would like to see someone do a writeup like Cheapskate did with Earth Wind and Fire give a down to earth way to make all of the precursers step by step with the easiest to find material to make your own home made LSD. It can't be any harder to make then Ludes. Rock On!

06-14-00 05:10
No 17315
      Re: Ergot  Bookmark   

There is no easy way to make LSD.  If you don't know how to produce LSA (its just a carboxylic acid man, how do we build carboxylic acids? Gringard! MgX that is) than just buy the shit, don;t bother making it, as you will poison or kill yourself.  BTW ergot is fucking absolutely disgusting to work with and should be avoided at all costs, as it promotes gang green!  Would you really like to see a limb rot and have to be amputated all because you wanted a few doses of crapy LSD?  Please take a chemistry course

(Hive Bee)
06-14-00 05:15
No 17317
      Re: Ergot  Bookmark   

Look on the lycaeum, its there in some detail

"trip not equal to tryptamine, tryptamine equals trip"
06-14-00 12:31
No 17432
      Re: Ergot  Bookmark   

Thanks Zephler you were a real help!

(Hive Bee)
06-14-00 18:51
No 17527
      Re: Ergot  Bookmark   

OK, I know that it grows in rye (also oats/wheat/etc - is it true that it will grow in a bowl of whole wheat cereal if I wet it and let it sit?), but does anyone know what conditions are required to cause the infestation to start?

Also does this affect cereals in OZ?(If so there must be spores in the atmosphere, all over the world eh?)

Also can I produce Lysergic acid by Alkaline Hydrolysis of the various alkaloids (anti Migraine / Parkinsonian treatments), I would appreciate further information on either, also on whether or not it works with LSA (with details please)

ALice D25

"Trust in God, but tie your Camel" [Arab Proverb]
06-14-00 22:41
No 17616
      Re: Ergot  Bookmark   

a bowl of cereal?  god knows what the fuck will sprout in there (botulism)!  try roquefort cheese (and maybe other blue cheeses).  take a look into mycelia(mushroom) culture on agar.  i may be able to dig something up on aspergillis culture too, let us konw if you want it(it's a little less toxic than ergot). :)  ergot seems to grow on just about any wild grass, under wet conditions.

06-15-00 05:30
No 17688
      Re: Ergot  Bookmark   

I didn't mean to be rude man, I'm just trying to warn you against playing with fire, cause you will get burned.  If you really want to know all about ergot search on the net, there is so much stuff out there on it and LSA your eyes will roll.  But really ergot poisoning is very serious, limbs turn black and rot off, seriously. It was called St. Anthony's fire in the late 16th century (ergot posioning that is), today its called gan grene (spelling?).  Anyways you can collect a few clumps of ergot from a soggy rye feild and then innoculate agar dishes with it and yes cultivate ergot, but the conditions for success are very hard to achieve (much harder than say P. Cubensis cultivation) and really out of scope of most people.  If you want a good natural source of LSA, try Morning Glory Seeds, or Hawian Baby Woodrose seeds, both have LSA in them.  Sure other unwanted molecules will likely follow through the synth, but this isn't analytical chemistry right?  Anyways, the real way that anyone with a good chemical background approach the problem is to simply build LSA with something we call a Grignard reagent (RMgX), which adds carbons to a chain.  Its like building something out of LEGO, just assemble the small pieces and presto! You have a dinosaur!  If you ever do get a chance, research chemistry, it really is a beautiful thing! And please research, I don;t like to hear in the news about people getting hurt making dope!

(Hive Bee)
06-16-00 04:55
No 18071
      Re: Ergot  Bookmark   

Well since you asked, but don't say I didn't warn you....
-                Michael Valentine Smith: Psychedelic Chemistry
                From pages 105-107:
                The Culture and Extraction of Ergot Alkaloids
                Make up a culture medium by combining the following
                ingredients in about 500 milliliters of distilled water
                in a 2 liter, small-neck flask:
                Sucrose .................................... 100 grams
                Chick pea meal .............................. 50 grams
                Calcium nitrate .............................. 1 gram
                Monopotassium phosphate ...................... 0.25 grams
                Magnesium sulphate ........................... 0.25 grams
                Potassium chloride ........................... 0.125 grams
                Ferrous sulphate heptahydrate ................ 8.34 milligrams
                Zinc sulphate heptahydrate ................... 3.44 milligrams
                Add water to make up one liter, adjust pH 4 with ammonia
                solution and citric acid. Sterile by autoclaving.
                Inoculate the sterilized medium with Claviceps purpurea
                under sterile conditions, stopper with sterilized cotton
                and incubate for two weeks periodically testing and
                maintaining pH 4. After two weeks a surface culture will
                be seen on the medium. Large-scale production of the fungus
                can now begin.
                Obtain several ordinary 1 gallon jugs. Place a two-hole
                stopper in the necks of the jugs. Fit a short (6 inch)
                glass tube in one hole, leaving 2 inches above the stopper.
                Fit a short rubber tube to this.  Fill a small (500
                milliliter) Erlenmeyer flask with a dilute solution of
                sodium hypochlorite, and extend a glass tube from the rubber
                tube so the end is immersed in the hypochlorite. Fit a long,
                glass tube in the other stopper hole. It must reach near
                the bottom of the jug and have about two inches showing
                above the stopper. Attach a rubber tube to the glass tube as
                short or as long as desired, and fit a short glass tube to
                the end of the rubber tube. Fill a large, glass tube (1 inch
                x 6 inches) with sterile cotton and fit 1-hole stoppers in
                the ends.  Fit the small, glass tube in end of the rubber
                tube into 1 stopper of the large tube. Fit another small
                glass tube in the other stopper.  A rubber tube is connected
                to this and attached to a small air pump obtained from a
                tropical fish supply store. You now have a set-up for pumping
                air from the pump, through the cotton filter, down the long
                glass tube in the jug, through the solution to the air
                space in the top of the jug, through the short glass tube,
                down to the bottom of the Erlenmeyer flask and up through
                the sodium hypochlorite solution into the atmosphere. With
                this aeration equipment you can assure a supply of clean air
                to the Claviceps purpurea fungus while maintaining a sterile
                atmosphere inside the solution.
                Dismantle the aerators. Place all the glass tubes, rubber
                tubes, stoppers and cotton in a paper bag, seal tight with
                wire staples and sterilize in an autoclave.
                Fill the 1-gallon jugs 2/3 to 3/4 full with the culture
                medium and autoclave.
                While these things are being sterilized, homogenize in a
                blender the culture already obtained and use it to inoculate
                the media in the gallon jugs. The blender must be sterile.
                Everything must be sterile.
                Assemble the aerators. Start the pumps. A slow bubbling
                in each jug will provide enough oxygen to the cultures. A
                single pump can, of course, be connected to several filters.
                Let everything sit a room temperature (25 C) in a fairly
                dark place (never expose ergot alkaloids to bright light -
                they decompose) for a period of ten days.
                After ten days adjust the culture to 1% ethanol using 95%
                ethanol under sterile conditions. Maintain growth for another
                two weeks.
                After total of 24 days growth period the culture should
                be considered mature. Make the culture acidic with tartaric
                acid and homogenize in a blender for one hour.
                Adjust to pH 9 with ammonium hydroxide and extract with
                benzene or chloroform/iso-butanol mixture.
                Extract again with alcoholic tartaric acid and evaporate
                in a vacuum to dryness. The dry material in the salt (i.e.,
                the tartaric acid salt, the tartrate) of the ergot alkaloids,
                and is stored in this form because the free basic material is
                too unstable and decomposes readily in the presence of light,
                heat, moisture and air.
                To recover the free base for extraction of the amide of
                synthesis to LSD, make the tartrate basic with ammonia to pH
                9, extract with chloroform and evaporate in vacuo.
                If no source of pure Claviceps purpurea fungus can be
                found, it may be necessary to make a field trip to obtain
                the ergot growths from rye or other cereal grasses. Rye
                grass is by far the best choice. The ergot will appear as a
                blackish growth on the tops of the rye where the seeds are
                and are referred to as "heads of ergot." From these heads
                of ergot sprout the Claviceps purpurea fungi. They have
                long steams with bulbous heads when seen under a strong
                glass or microscope. It is these that must be removed
                from the ergot, free from contamination, and used to
                inoculate the culture media. The need for absolute sterility
                cannot be overstressed. Consult any elementary text on
                bacteriology for the correct equipment and procedures.
                Avoid prolonged contact with ergot compounds, as they are
                poisonous and can be fatal.                ----------------
                The whole part with the pump is unecessary, you can get
                micropore 1-gallon jugs from, and alot of
                the gear you would need, obtaining a pure strain sounds
                like the tricky part, culturing and selection of
                pure-looking samples a couple times should do it.. LSD
                must be synthesized, it's such a beautiful molecule...

(Hive Bee)
06-17-00 12:30
No 18281
      Re: Ergot  Bookmark   

ok, so any help on a grignard reagent to get to lsa?  I just so happen to like my limbs the way they are but am intrigued.

the devil is so lonely....mad
(Hive Bee)
06-18-00 04:46
No 18523
      Re: Ergot  Bookmark   

well look at the structure of LSA and see where you could make a good split down the middle producing, say an aldehyde and a alkyl chain or aromatic ring, that is readily avaliable in the alkyl halide form, I've once heard mentionings of bromocyptine... see in the workings of man, take a chemistry class

(Hive Bee)
06-18-00 18:40
No 18675
      Re: Ergot  Bookmark   

Thanks for the details on the culture of the ergot fungus, I take your point on ergot poisoning, but heh, I'll either be classeda s witch or a saint, same as in the olden days!!

Alice D25

"Do the St Vitas Dance!"

"Trust in God, but tie your Camel" [Arab Proverb]