pyrotek (Hive Bee)
06-28-00 08:32
No 22315
      yes a nother DMT question  Bookmark   

ok man  i ahve been told by a dude in a shell
that Australian Wattle contains DMT is tis true??
if so  can i smoke the bark will that work or do i hafto extract the
DMT from the bark of the wattle??
thank's dude's

arr where would the world be with out my 12gauge :)
06-28-00 10:53
No 22348
      Re: yes a nother DMT question  Bookmark   

yes it does (at least in my book)

no you cannnot smoke the bark ,
but you might want to boil it down with some lemonjuice..and take it with a MAOI (not a maori !!) so you make your own ayahuasca...

or thy to extact the precious DMT out with a Soxlet ???

(Hive Bee)
06-28-00 11:24
No 22354
      Re: yes a nother DMT question  Bookmark   

And for detailed info on ayahuasca, go to aý


Part animal, part machine?
(Hive Bee)
06-28-00 13:48
No 22378
      Re: yes a nother DMT question  Bookmark   

and waht would boiling it down wih lemon juce do?
sorry this is all new to me
and what's a MAIO?
or thy to extact the precious DMT out with a Soxlet ??? what's that and how do i do that?
and sorry for this dumb arsed Q but why can't i jsut smoke dried bark?

arr where would the world be with out my 12gauge :)
06-28-00 14:33
No 22380
      Re: yes a nother DMT question  Bookmark   

An MAOI is monoamine oxidase inhibitor. MAOI is the second half of ayahuasca (the first part being DMT) and if DMT is taken orally without an MAOI it will have no effect.

However, when smoking DMT you don't need an MAOI at all. Just roll it up and shmoke it.

If you plan on experimenting with MAOIs and DMT, do a lot of research first because if you use other drugs with MAOIs in your system it can kill you dead.

(Hive Bee)
06-28-00 14:52
No 22386
      Re: yes a nother DMT question  Bookmark   

arr that's man
so gettign back to the deal i ahve wattle bark can i smoke that if nto why not?
and how do i extract tHe DMT from the bark??

arr where would the world be with out my 12gauge :)
(Hive Bee)
06-28-00 16:01
No 22411
      Re: yes a nother DMT question  Bookmark   

Isn't ap supoused to say: "Use the search engine"?


Part animal, part machine?
06-28-00 20:58
No 22490
      Re: yes a nother DMT question  Bookmark   

The reason you cannot simply smoke the bark is this: DMT tolerance builds up rapidly as it is being smoked. For one to feel the full psychedelic effects of DMT, it is necessary to take in 50+mg as quickly as possible, ideally within a minute.  The bark does not contain DMT in concentrations high enough that would allow you to take in the necessary 50+mg in under a minute. 

(Hive Bee)
06-28-00 20:59
No 22491
      Re: yes a nother DMT question  Bookmark   

You can't smoke it because the just about the highest alkaloid content in any dmt containing plant is 1%. If you need to smoke 50mg to blast off, that would mean that you need to smoke 5g of plant matter. Plus, even if you had lungs of iron with which to inhale that tar, dmt is metabolized very quickly; that's why it's effects last for so little time- meaning that you would have to smoke 5 grams of bark in like a span of a minute or two...go ahead and try that if you want.

(Hive Bee)
06-28-00 21:07
No 22492
      Re: yes a nother DMT question  Bookmark   

Oh whoops! you answered while i was writing :)

I guess i'll just answer his other questions now...not that he is listening...err...reading

1. Boiling with lemone juice would turn the alkaloids (the DMT!) into a slight acid, making it soluble in water, meaning you could drink it.

2. a soxhlet is a fancy apparatus that is used for extractions directly from plant matter. well it's used for other things too, but that is the use you were referring to.
They are expensive though, so don't do it.

3. To put it simply, you extract dmt by :
-grinding plant matter to a powder
-acidify to convert alkaloids to their acid form
-defat with a nonpolar solvent to remove fats and oils
-basify to make soluble in nonpolar solvent
-extract with non polar solvent
-evaporate the solvent

That is called an acid base extraction. Check DMT world for more info...just use a search engine to find it.

(Hive Bee)
06-29-00 04:25
No 22624
      Re: yes a nother DMT question  Bookmark   

ok i will do soome reading on the a/b extraction
arr so i "could" boil in bark in lemmo juce 
rip out the bark and drink that?
arr that would get me off?
or is that to unpure to do??
any help  thank's

arr where would the world be with out my 12gauge :)
06-29-00 04:56
No 22641
      Re: yes a nother DMT question  Bookmark   

Simmering the bark in an acidic aqueous solution will extract the DMT and other alkaloids from the plant material, however, DMT is not orally active unless taken with an MAO inhibitor.   An enzyme called Monoamine Oxidase is present in your gut and will break down DMT before it is absorbed in the bloodstream and carried to your brain.  An MAOI, or Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor, will prevent Monoamine Oxidase from breaking down the DMT so it can then be carried to your brain.  Effective MAOI's are found in the seeds of Peganum harmala and the vine sections of Banisteriopsis caapi.   Be very careful when using MAOI's.  MAO normally metabolizes an amino acid in the gut called tyramine.  When MAO is inhibited, tyramine levels in the bloodstream rise and can trigger a hypertensive crisis, which in a best case scenario will cause the most painful headache of your life, and in a worse case scenario may cause death.  It is important to abstain from tyramine-rich foods for a period of 12-24 hourse before and after drinking an ayahuasca brew containing MAO Inhibitors.  All of this information can be found at the ayahuasca FAQ:

(Hive Bee)
06-29-00 14:01
No 22788
      Re: yes a nother DMT question  Bookmark   

holey shit !!
if i extract i was to extrace the DMT from the bark and smokeed teh
would i need to worry about mao's??

arr where would the world be with out my 12gauge :)
06-29-00 16:17
No 22821
      Re: yes a nother DMT question  Bookmark   

dmt freebase is quite easily smoked (or vaporized) (dose ~= 20-50 mg) and does not need an MAOi...
if MAOi is used in conjuntion with smoking dmt (MAOi such as 150 mg harmine HCl oral or 50 mg harmine freebase smoked) the dmt high will tend to last quite a bit longer...
if the dmt is done orally (as freebase or as a salt i.e. HCl or citrate/ascorbate or acetate) along with prior or concommitant MAOi) a bit more dmt will need to be ingested (say 40-100 mg) and the duration of the expeirence is usually about 2 to 4 hours...

don't you folks ever sleep?
(Hive Bee)
06-29-00 18:55
No 22864
      Re: yes a nother DMT question  Bookmark   

going back to phalaris, I know some undesireable tryptamines would follow through with a simple acid/base extraction, are these other tryptamines so bad that its not even worth doing an acid/base from phalaris?

06-29-00 20:37
No 22887
      Re: yes a nother DMT question  Bookmark   

The tryptamines in phalaris are DMT and 5-Meo-DMT.  I can't say with any certainty how desirable phalaris is since I have never worked with it.  My understanding is that alkaloid content and composition varies from one strain to the next.  I suppose the undesirable tryptamine you mention would be 5-Meo-DMT?  Some people have found this to be a valuable ally.  Most people try it once and never wish to go there again.  The consensus is that 5-Meo-DMT is very serious business.  It is not visual, but profoundly psychological.  The potency is ~4x that of DMT.  One psychonaut reported that 5-Meo-DMT is the closest thing to a full-on experience of death. You will need to be the ultimate judge of 5-Meo-DMT's desirability.

07-01-00 02:54
No 23440
      Re: yes a nother DMT question  Bookmark   

Well dude, Wattle frequents my area. And I have known of such dudes that have hear about DMT the same way you have. Through someone that boasts that they have smoked it. DON'T!! Smoking it causes some of the small nerves at the back of the brain to die.
Which means too much smoking it, apart from no effect, will severe the spinal cord from the brain...

07-02-00 15:31
No 23912
      Re: yes a nother DMT question  Bookmark   

I'm sorry for bursting your bubble dude. But if you smoke the bark from the wattle tree you're really going to do some realy damage to your lungs and your arteries.

I suggest that you extract it out.. Much better for ya.