zephler (Hive Bee)
07-09-00 00:59
No 26408
      LSA synthesis  Bookmark   

Anyone have a good overview of a synth of lysergic acid?
I've been looking into coupling agents (like DCC) but this step seems only nessary to form LSD itself
(instead of POCl3).

(Chief Bee)
07-09-00 01:30
No 26415
      Re: LSA synthesis  Bookmark   

There are loads of references for this at my page. http://rhodium.lycaeum.org/chemistry/lsdsyn.txt for example.

Search for DCC in the serious chem forum at the ol board and you will find a nice discussion of different coupling agents.

(Hive Bee)
07-11-00 01:29
No 27206
      Re: LSA synthesis  Bookmark   

awesome, Rhodium! Those references give me a royal hard on but I wonder where I could find some actual copies of the writtings themselves...hmmm maybe local university library?

(Chief Bee)
07-11-00 18:40
No 27547
      Re: LSA synthesis  Bookmark   

Exactly. The university library is where its at.
