gogo (Stranger / Eraser)
08-20-00 14:52
No 43188
      effects of LSA  Bookmark   

I'v seen how hard it is to make lsd but lsa seems very easy. doses anybody know the effect of this stuff I mean compared to lsd
(Hive Bee / Eraser)
08-20-00 17:49
No 43221
      Re: effects of LSA  Bookmark   

in my experiences(only a few and the extract wasn't very concentrated) i got a jello-y kinda feeling with slight visuals and a mellow kinda high.  it was definately weird but as i stated i think i could've upped my doseage alot more.  oh it was from the hawiian baby woodrose seeds.  definately something worth looking into and playing around with since it's damn easy to extract the lsa and clean it up.  i haven't really had the opportunity to get any more seeds lately but definately am planing on it.

born cross-eyed....tongue
(Hive Bee)
08-21-00 09:33
No 43453
      Re: effects of LSA  Bookmark   

Psychadelic equivalent of a cup of coffee. cool
(Stranger / Eraser)
08-22-00 05:30
No 43755
      Re: effects of LSA  Bookmark   

Effects are purely subjective but many reports indicate that one time is enough to satisfy curiosity.

In my own experiments I found them similar to LSD, but the body load was horrible.  Vasoconstriction, one side effect of the seeds,  gave aches and pains all over my body.  I also experienced an acute nausea which I blame largely on my poor preparation method.
(Hive Bee / Eraser)
08-22-00 07:07
No 43782
      Re: effects of LSA  Bookmark   

i too felt the nausea.  but no pains that i remember.

born cross-eyed....tongue
(Stranger / Eraser)
08-22-00 15:57
No 43847
      Re: effects of LSA  Bookmark   

I felt a bit of nausea but not a whole lot, and I felt none of the above body aches and pains.

However, I felt the trip to be sort of like a low dose LSD trip except more productive in entheogenic manner.  When tripping on LSD certain topics would appear in my head that felt as though they needed to be resolved but I'd be tripping too hard to concentrate on them and therefore no solution or conclusions could be drawn.  With the LSA I was tripping enough to be triggering the thought patterns but my mind was spiralling and looping so I was able to concentrate on the subjects enough to actually draw conclusions.
My thoughts are...as a recreational trip LSD wins out...as an entheogenic tool LSA wins out.
08-26-00 01:38
No 45292
      Re: effects of LSA  Bookmark   

I completely agree with craig420. LSA is VERY entheogenic. I've resolved a couple of huge problems with woodrose seeds. It's a very contemplative, introverted experience.
08-10-01 08:28
No 203065
      Re: effects of LSA  Bookmark   

Introverted?  Remember Dr. Leary Kids: SET AND SETTING
I did this shit a couple of times from hbwr extract and it was like eating one tab of okay acid, real light, but pleasant expierence, I was definetly fucked up, of course its nowhere near as intense as lsd, but still worth eating unless you happen to have to equipment and skill to turn it into lady lucy.
(Happy Chappie)
08-12-01 15:42
No 203709
      Re: effects of LSA  Bookmark   

i agree it is a mellow experience, sometimes i find LSD can bee very extreme(but good) whereas LSA from sources suggested is mellow and light.blush

Talk to me munky.
Talk to me!

09-02-01 10:55
No 209456
      Re: effects of LSA  Bookmark   

aminated, companies coat their seeds with lots of chemicals nowadays, did you get them from a source which doesnt do this? If not, thats probably why you got so much pain and sickness.[i]
09-06-01 12:17
No 210694
      Re: effects of LSA  Bookmark   

The effects of LSA occur over a long period of time, much like dextromethorphan plateaus. It takes 2-5 hours for the seeds to be digested and the LSA to begin to work. Depending on the dosage the first part of the trip is the most nausiating I believe. I ussually bash up my seeds and put them in jello to set, then swallow lsa-cubes. The onset of the trip sometimes needs to be 'triggered' or set off by something, an abstract thought, a funny joke, music, you know.. something trippy.
As far as hallucinations, you wont' get many full-body hallucinations, maybe a few. By full-body I mean they have some resembelence of reality, like chairs floating or wallpaper moving. The most intense of the hallucinations caused by LSA, especially from chewing the seeds, I've noticed, is basic grometric patterns in the dark or as a CEV. They always seem to move very fast for a moment, and then stop completly and start again for me. I find music very hypnotizing and catatonic with this 'drug' personally.

Oh my GOD, what kinda coffee have YOU been drinking?!
09-06-01 12:19
No 210695
      Re: effects of LSA  Bookmark   

my first post. laugh me so happy!
The above is just what I tend to experience, everything is different to everyone n' all that jazz.

Oh my GOD, what kinda coffee have YOU been drinking?!