sinsemillia (Hive Bee)
08-24-00 00:27
No 44357
      voacanga africana  Bookmark   

could any one please tell me or point me in the right direction for a crude  active extract of voacanga africana seeds ????
thanx in advance
(Stranger / Eraser)
08-24-00 00:41
No 44362
      Re: voacanga africana  Bookmark   

Alright, it looks like the alkaloid voacamine is present in the highest concentrations.  According to the Merck, this molecule is soluble in chloroform and acetone and slightly soluble in methanol and ethanol.  An article is archived at Erowid that goes into the phytochemistry in more detail:

That should be a start.  There are very few reports about the effects of these seeds when used recreationally, so if you perform an extraction and feed them to your lab animals be sure to report your observations.

(Hive Bee)
08-24-00 05:11
No 44482
      Re: voacanga africana  Bookmark   

prish man and give me a week or so and i will post results
(Hive Bee)
08-24-00 19:09
No 44762
      Re: voacanga africana  Bookmark   

I remember that one can convert the Voacanga-alkaloids into ibogaine. It was a relatively easy process, using only KOH and solvents & other standart-shit of course. I tried digging this up again but was unsxsful, does anyone know anything about it ?

(Hive Bee)
08-25-00 09:14
No 45002
      Re: voacanga africana  Bookmark   

If memory serves, the strong alkali (KOH) is used to decarboxylate the vocangine to ibogaine. (Basically, the vocangine is boiled in alkali solution and the ibogaine extracted.)
08-25-00 16:48
No 45154
      Re: voacanga africana  Bookmark   

the main alkaloid in the seeds may be tabersonine...
letcha know if something comes out of a "standard" a/b extraction...
well maybe 1/2 gram of red oil (from ~20 gm seeds) from the organic layer... will attempt to recrytallize from ethanol...
now, what good is tabersonine (other than a precursor for vinpocetine ;) ...)

don't you folks ever sleep?
(Hive Bee)
08-28-00 06:46
No 46178
      Re: voacanga africana  Bookmark   

we;; my knoledge is very limited on this subject but there are many reports of africans using this speci as a stimulant/hallucinogin so ill try it and let you know

{if its good enough for them it ought to be good enough for me }
(Hive Bee)
08-28-00 18:27
No 46325
      Re: voacanga africana  Bookmark   

This is news to me! 

Where did you guys dig this UP!.  What is the common name for voacanga africana?

Thank you very much.

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(Hive Bee)
08-29-00 16:51
No 46682
      Re: voacanga africana  Bookmark   

It doesn't have a more common name then Voaganga A.

(Hive Bee)
08-30-00 19:03
No 47147
      Re: voacanga africana  Bookmark   

Thank you for the response.  What are the references?

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