SeeTheQue (Member)
04-01-00 20:07
No 126860
      DMT, AMT, or ?  Bookmark   

Yeeehaaaaaa.  Now we're talking cool drugs...

I would never take any illegal drugs (I have too much respect for my body), but certain friends of mine used to think that DMT is about the best thing going, if it just didn't stink so bad.  Well, OK, to tell the truth, these friends are currently obsessed with MDMA since discovering it recently, and aren't currently messign with anything else, but once the seritonin is gone forever  , they figure to be looking for other fun...

DMT is not very hard to make, but, like I said, it stinks SO bad that it's a problem to do discretely.  That's too bad, since a 15 minute acid trip is a pretty nice lunch break...

I've seen some of the stuff on AMT, which looks interesting, but it's a lot more work to make (DMT is nice because indole is everywhere(.  Are there other analogues that are worthy of experimentation?

No problem, I can take it or leave it...

04-01-00 21:52
No 126861
      Re: DMT, AMT, or ?  Bookmark   

So what are the noticeable characteristics that differeniate the two--to the user that is?


04-01-00 23:11
No 126862
      Re: DMT, AMT, or ?  Bookmark   

DMT is an intense, very visual one-hour rush, while AMT is a gentler entheogen, with little visuals and stimulation for at least 12 hours.

One tryptamine you must not miss is 5-MeO-DIPT, available from MBE Tech and others. It is a few hours of nice warm visuals and strong sexual stimulation. Something between shrooms and 2C-B.

( )
04-01-00 23:42
No 126863
      Re: DMT, AMT, or ?  Bookmark   

DET and DPT are definitley worth trying them!
There's also AET and 5-MeO-AMT. Well, there are also some others but these came to mind as powerful.


04-02-00 00:26
No 126864
      Re: DMT, AMT, or ?  Bookmark   

I've seen the reports on 5-MeO-DIPT.  I think I'd be a little intimidated to actually order some, but, hmmmmm, there's 5-MeO-indole right there in Aldrich...

No problem, I can take it or leave it...

    Drummer Dude
04-02-00 05:09
No 126865
      Re: DMT, AMT, or ?  Bookmark   


What is the "Normal Dosage"?

04-02-00 05:48
No 126866
      Re: DMT, AMT, or ?  Bookmark   

You should be wary people of ordering the chems because you get a follow up call from the company to make sure that you are indeed useing this for research or what not.  The law requires them to do so.

Either you need to order from a business front or order and have it delievered to a front of sorts.  At the very least have a good explaination ready and sound like you know what the fuck is up. 

Not that I encourage this sort of activity, in fact I despise anyone that breaks the law because the law reflect an absolute moral standard that everyone should adhere to...  >

Everything in this post is for informational purposes only, and is not intended to facilitate illegal activity.  I've done nothing illegal and nor should you.

04-02-00 22:38
No 126867
      Re: DMT, AMT, or ?  Bookmark   

Drummer: 5-Methoxy-N,N-diisopropyltryptamine = 5-Meo-DIPT. Normal dosage range 10-20mg, 15mg reccommended.
04-04-00 07:11
No 126868
      Re: DMT, AMT, or ?  Bookmark   

i would add in a little MAO inhibition for good measure. but 5-MeO-DIPT IS the whip!
    rev drone
04-06-00 09:16
No 126874
      Re: DMT, AMT, or ?  Bookmark   


The best solvent for dosing 5-MeODiPT isn't EtOH, its H2O, since you can safely drink it. Once upon a time, I had a small bottle in my fridge, containing 1 mg/ml 5-MeODiPT. This was the easiest, most accurate, most practical method I found, and I highly recommend it to anyone. In case you haven't tried it, let me tell you: this stuff is *by far* the most bitter substance you'll ever encounter. Yuck, yum, yuck, yum.

-the good reverend drone

Ipsa scientia potestas est

    Joe uGly
04-06-00 09:36
No 126875
      Re: DMT, AMT, or ?  Bookmark   

How long could you hypothetically keep a bottle of this (1mg/1ml)in your fridge for???

Months??  Years??

Thanks.....Once again the hive comes through.


04-06-00 15:20
No 126869
      Re: DMT, AMT, or ?  Bookmark   

Rhodium, which AMT synth on you're page is the most desirable assuming all the neccesary chems could be aquired? Which has the highest yeild?
04-06-00 19:37
No 126870
      Re: DMT, AMT, or ?  Bookmark   

Method A: Indole => Indole-3-carboxaldehyde => 3-indolyl-beta-methyl-beta-methylethylene => AMT.

Second best would be the one starting with alpha-bromo-propionyl bromide and indole.

    Joe uGly
04-06-00 19:41
No 126871
      Re: DMT, AMT, or ?  Bookmark   

OK......just picked up some 5-MeO-DIPT

I can only scale 100mgs safely. I was going to eyeball it but that can be dangerous. Any thoughts??  I post a report on Sunday or Monday.


04-06-00 19:58
No 126872
      Re: DMT, AMT, or ?  Bookmark   

Joe - I'd go for a volumetric approach if you can only accurate measure down to 100mg.  Dissolve in known volume of liquid (you've got a graduated cylinder right?) and then measure your dosage volumetrically.  Of course this is all assuming that the substance is soluble in whatever you're using, i can't for the life of me remember what it might be highly soluble in.


( )
04-06-00 20:20
No 126873
      Re: DMT, AMT, or ?  Bookmark   

the best solvent for 5-MeO-DiPT is EtOH according to Rhodium. Salt is better than freebase. When a friend of me dissolved 10mg freebase in 20ml 50% alcohol there was still some undissolved material left.


04-06-00 22:27
No 126876
      Re: DMT, AMT, or ?  Bookmark   

Joe: when i got my 5-meo-dipt, and read all reports i thought there'd be no harm in simply eye-balling a small enough dose and just deeing what happened - cause from what i collected - this was supposed to be a pleasant mild high with aphrodiziac qualities - well i eye-balled what i think is about 15 to 18 mgs and got about 6 hours of mind bending nightmare which i didn't even closely expect - all i'm saying is be carefull and all drugs (especially tryptamines) act differently on everyone.
ps: i did it bunch of times since then at correctly controlled doses and love it.10 mgs  keeps sex boiling hot for 3 days afterwards  ))

good luck

( )
04-17-00 09:57
No 126877
      Re: DMT, AMT, or ?  Bookmark   

'this stuff is *by far* the most bitter substance you'll ever encounter.'- drone

Well, I've tried it with snorting several times. Nasty drips but a cool trip and it doesn't burn in the nose, very gentle.

Eating it is no problem. Just yesterday evening I eyeballed some 10-15mg. Licked it up with the tip of my tongue and ate it with a piece of chocolate. Nothing bitter. This is a really *sweet* method of ingesting it.
(I posted something while tripping yesterday but cannot find it, strange...)

But I generally don't have a problem with bitter drugs. The first time I came across MDMA my friend told me I should swallow this pill very fast with lots of water. Well, I had nothing better to do than to suck it all up.

04-18-00 02:29
No 126878
      Re: DMT, AMT, or ?  Bookmark   

If 5-meo-DIPT is indeed legal, would someone care to sell only a few milligrams for research? I have no need for the amounts offered at MBE.
