Vulpes (Junior Member)
04-04-00 04:08
No 126913
      Terance Mckenna  Bookmark   

Our spokesman passed on today at 2:15 am pacific time. I place this here because tryptamines were his thing. Sorry if it offends. I wonder what he found...
04-04-00 20:34
No 126914
      Re: Terance Mckenna  Bookmark   

After doing all the HIGH-dose tryptamine trips, I wonder what he thought of the ultimate trip?

He will be remembered........


    Bright Star
( )
04-05-00 02:44
No 126915
      Re: Terance Mckenna  Bookmark   

A great speach ... Man who was definately 'out there' speaks ...

04-05-00 07:33
No 126916
      Re: Terance Mckenna  Bookmark   

04-05-00 08:12
No 126917
      Re: Terance Mckenna  Bookmark   

Hello Vulpes...good to see you, and sorry to hear about T.M., I and a good number of my friends will have to do something in his honor....tryptamines definately seemed to be his thing, and from what I heard, he was ready (as someone could ever be I'm guessing) before he left...I always wanted to meet him...not much chance of that now 
(Junior Member)
04-05-00 18:42
No 126918
      Re: Terance Mckenna  Bookmark   

Yes I belive that a good dose of somthing is in order  Howdy teo, Thanks for the extract post.I am happy to say that I recived two emails from T several years back. He is a true hero and fighter, someone I look up to. Maybee he will find a way to meet people in elvn land?!?! I am extatic to see tryptamines where they belong, On the real chem forum...look at this place go!!! this beats the whole last year at DMT world!!!