BrightStar (Philanthropist)
03-06-01 14:21
No 176987
      Ergotamine Tartrate Route  Bookmark   


I have been very busy recently with school, and that should explain my abscence from this ... my home away from home.

But .. lets say that I would like to hear of anyones actual experience with this route.    I have read the literature, but there is always things left out.

Check my profile for an email, and use it.   Just remember, ACTUAL EXPERIENCES.    Any 'Newbees' mailing me with 'Coool phattyman, I always wanna make some sid ..' will not get a responce.

Thanks for your understanding.tongue
03-06-01 15:47
No 177012
      Re: Ergotamine Tartrate Route  Bookmark   

Phar out duuude, I always wanted to have made some sid
03-12-01 06:52
No 178049
      Re: Ergotamine Tartrate Route  Bookmark   

I suppose I deserved that.  heh ..

But no one has experience (even though I attracted the correct element)?
(Hive Bee)
03-21-01 22:20
No 179750
      Re: Ergotamine Tartrate Route  Bookmark   

School makes me take psychedelics.  We need more info, there is a freakin gigantic lack of info on ACTUAL ls of d synth experiences out there.  I have a headache now, I'll have to get more medication.

Information is Not Knowledge
(Hive Bee)
03-24-01 00:50
No 180271
      Re: Ergotamine Tartrate Route  Bookmark   

I've gor a few kg of ipomoea seeds and tried an extraction once. I didn't really get that far because I didn't have enough time and after a few days there was some fungal growth in my solution. I guess I had to do it in one session from beginning to end. I still got lots of seed left and want to continue doing this extraction. As for some usefull info...... You probably know this but there's a lot of usefull info on this in Uncle Fester's book "Secrets of LSD manufacture". That's what I started out with. Good luck on this extraction....... and school. I think I will join you on your quest.


Vae victis meretrix est et mors venit.