Pharmer_John (Newbee)
05-03-01 18:04
No 189047
      Say had a kilo of ergot?  Bookmark   

Say one had a kilo of ergot, how would he extract the ergotamine to be used in a LSD synth?
05-04-01 01:13
No 189138
      Re: Say had a kilo of ergot?  Bookmark   

Why waste valuable alkaloids?  People always said, "LOOK HOW HARD IT WAS TO MAKE A C. PURPuEA THAT WOULD PRODUCE 1mg/L DMT ELVIS, YOU CANT GROW IT!!"...  But that was somewhat wrong...  If you read hoffmanns original work you see the he never purified ergotamine when he 1st made LSD.  It was a crude "Ergotoxin" mixture which he isolated, a whole bunch of ergot alkaloids mixed together.  But when you hydrolyzed them you got Lysergic Acid all around anyway....  Read his work if you really want to know.
(Hive Bee)
05-12-01 17:30
No 193887
      Re: Say had a kilo of ergot?  Bookmark   

learn how to make lsd.
( )
05-13-01 04:12
No 193998
      Re: Say had a kilo of ergot?  Bookmark   

You sound as if your sayin...You know how to make lsd but the only thing preventing you is proper extracting of "a" from "b". Which to me sounds backwards.

 If you cant extract "a" from "b" how ya gonna get your "l..s...d"? Hey that rhymes.

the extraction is done with solvents: 1/10 gal. of 28% ammonia + 9/10 gal. of methanol. after mixing this, add to 9 gallons of chloroform to give 10 gallons of extract solvent. Your desired alkaloids are destroyed by light so a darkened room with  minimal red/yellow light is needed .
Also evaporation MUST BEE w/vacuum. If you disregard these precautions you will ruin daGoods.

(Newbee / Eraser)
05-25-01 09:47
No 197031
      Re: Say had a kilo of ergot?  Bookmark   

wouldn't you in a sense be extracting B from C*, then toss it in you Parr(crank up the hydrogen)and pull the A off of the B, extract the A purify and react with D(or some other letter if you don't have any D)?



"pull the wool over your own eyes"
05-25-01 10:46
No 197046
      Re: Say had a kilo of ergot?  Bookmark   

No. (Erasers are always wrong).
05-25-01 22:00
No 197185
      Re: Say had a kilo of ergot?  Bookmark   

A is for acid, and acid is not free.
D is for doses, and doses are for me.
(Hive Bee)
05-30-01 20:36
No 197533
      Re: Say had a kilo of ergot?  Bookmark   

why did you get rid of the "erase the hive" button from the top?  now I have nothing left to play with while I surf the hive other than myself.  oh well, I guess the button wasn't that much fun after all.

If pacman influenced us, we'd glide around dark rooms eating pills and listen to repetitive music.
02-03-02 14:42
No 264761
      Re: Say had a kilo of ergot?  Bookmark   

Then he sould give that ergot to charitywink. If you dont know how, than i dont think you desirve it. Theres people I know that would KILL for a kilo of ergot....but no, the guy who doesnt know what the fuck hes doing gets it.......damn
(Hive Bee)
02-04-02 12:43
No 265148
      Re: Say had a kilo of ergot?  Bookmark   

theyd kill for that much ergot? if theyre too dumb to find it then they probably cant perform a synthesis anyways.
(Hive Prodigy)
02-04-02 12:51
No 265151
      Re: Say had a kilo of ergot?  Bookmark   

Thought you were leaving us? wink

Vivent Longtemps la Ruche!
(Hive Bee)
02-04-02 14:06
No 265172
      Re: Say had a kilo of ergot?  Bookmark   

winkso did i.

my posts will still be rare, usually' theyll be in this tomb...err forum.
02-05-02 11:52
No 265569
      Re: Say had a kilo of ergot?  Bookmark   

(Hive Prodigy)
02-05-02 14:18
No 265622
      Re: Say had a kilo of ergot?  Bookmark   


Vivent Longtemps la Ruche!
(Junior Service Representative)
02-05-02 21:04
No 265760
      Re: Say had a kilo of ergot?  Bookmark   


02-06-02 05:12
No 265927
      Re: Say had a kilo of ergot?  Bookmark   

Hey, Bujinkan!!  Long time no read!!wink

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(Hive Bee)
02-06-02 13:25
No 266106
      Re: Say had a kilo of ergot?  Bookmark   

If one had a kilo of ergot, SEND IT TO ME!!!!


But I do wish I had a kilo of ergot............
02-07-02 05:31
No 266428
      Re: Say had a kilo of ergot?  Bookmark   

If one had a kilo of ergot, SEND IT TO ME!!!!

I'll split it with youtonguesmile

Ergot for everyone!!wink

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(Junior Service Representative)
02-07-02 06:24
No 266442
      Re: Say had a kilo of ergot?  Bookmark   

If'n your gonna go halves, you might as well go thirds, considering each of you would only have to forfeit a sixth of the whole, for this would make one more bee very, very, happy...

(Hive Bee)
02-07-02 15:26
No 266660
      Re: Say had a kilo of ergot?  Bookmark   

Boston Herald

Website Blamed for Gangrene Outbreak

A recent outbreak of St. Anthony's fire, a disease caused by the wheat fungus Ergot, has been blamed on an internet website. The Hive, as it is known to the cyber community, reportedly encourages the use of drugs, abnormal sex practices, and even the plundering of ancient egyptian temples.
Doctors all over the country have been greeted with limbless patients, some claiming to have been members of the infamous Pooh Bear mafia.
Doctor Shevorkian says, "Ive never so many dumbasses try to eat ergot to trip. In the old days, we used to get cases of cat poop ketamine poisoning, and young people with stomachs full of pesticide coated morning glory seeds, now this? If you ask me the entire planet should be cleansed."
Rhodium, the local sex chief at the hedonistic hive colony couldnt be reached for comment, but his lawyer claims that he is not in fact a sex chief, but that he was the unwitting pawn of several unscroupulous moderators (who will remain unnamed) who took advantage of his innocence.
(Hive Bee)
02-11-02 05:48
No 268046
      Re: Say had a kilo of ergot?  Bookmark   


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