kurupira (Stranger)
07-17-01 11:17
No 191228
      MHRB extract soxhlet way  Bookmark   

well, i'm planning an extraction with soxhlet and i'm posting here for comments.

 1st grind the bark (dry) as fine as possible and extract (deffat) with hexane (soxlet). than extract with methanol or ethanol (soxhlet again). reduce the volume until little thick and add sodium bicarbonate (excess) and anydr. Na2SO4 to form a thick solid, and again extract with hexane. evap. the hexane and good trip...
   any bee aprove it?

07-17-01 11:56
No 191241
      Re: MHRB extract soxhlet way  Bookmark   

Did you desighn this proceedure for mhrb or did you read it somewhere? How do you know you wont extract other stuff along with the dmt?
07-17-01 12:16
No 191248
      Re: MHRB extract soxhlet way  Bookmark   

> reduce the volume until little thick
> and add sodium bicarbonate (excess) and anydr. Na2SO4 to form a thick solid,
> and again extract with hexane. evap. the hexane and good trip...

Sounds a bit strange. Better mix the thick residue with alkaline water / hexane, take the organic phase, dry it with sodium sulfate, and evaporate.
07-17-01 14:52
No 191294
      Re: MHRB extract soxhlet way  Bookmark   

this extraction i'v read from a 'pharmacology tese' from a student of (somewere*) but i made myself some changes (like using hexane -they use ether in final extrac.) and i think it will extract dmt. maybe not pure but smokable stuff. im trying it to avoid a/b extractions cause i had troubles with emulsions... i will try  trasnslate all the paper and post here...
* edited

07-17-01 17:00
No 191319
      Re: MHRB extract soxhlet way  Bookmark   

I got an emulsion also. It was this gigantic blob in between the water an toluene. I just added more tol., stired and separated the tol. leaving the blob behind to disperse. In the mean time, there was plenty of dmt in the tol. I separated.
07-17-01 20:18
No 191368
      Re: MHRB extract soxhlet way  Bookmark   

If the emulsion doesn't disperse, try filtering the emulsion and adding you solvent to the filter to flush dmt out of the residue.

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07-18-01 04:49
No 191441
      Re: MHRB extract soxhlet way  Bookmark   

sorry i forgot an important step - to dessicate the solid formed when adding NaHCO3 n' Na2SO4 before putting on soxhlet to extract with hexane... well i sad that i'd translate it and post here but it is 5 pages and and its not good. the main is:
they extract the rb with tartaric alcohol by maceration and shakes for 48h, filter. reduce the volume of the filtrate add NaHCO3 (excess) and Na2SO4 ,dessicate the stuff. make a soxhlet extrac. with ether evap. the solvent dissolved in dil.HCL adjust pH to 5-6, filter and make tests in rats.
the problem that i can see is to use ether in final extraction -carrying some polar compounds- and they don't defat first. the final product is a little crude i think cause it has a pinkish color(most of the rats died-i.v. s.c.).so to improve this way i'll made a defat w/ hexane first, extract w/ ethanol or meoh and in final step use hexane, note that little solvent is required on my modifications and it'll take 1-2 days to finish
