nnDMT (Stranger)
08-17-01 09:09
No 205419
      4g nnDMT in under 12 hrs!  Bookmark   

SWIM extracts their elf-spice as follows and get's white crystals that tinge yellow to orange with age, and a great yield at that. With 455g of M.Hostilis make 3, 1 liter acid extracts with a pH of 2 - the first wash for 2 hours, second for 1, third for 1/2 hour. Combine the 3 liters of acid extract and basify to 9-10. Throw contents into a 4 Liter seperatory funnel, next use either Toluene or Naphtha and throw into the funnel, swirl for a good 1/2 hour, seperate nonpolar, repeat twice more and save combined nonpolar extracts. Next evaporate the 'spicy' naphtha/toluene and redissolve the gummy/crystalline contents into 100 ml of acidic aqueous solution. Next, collect around a pint of petroleum ether via Quick Start Diesel Starter Fluid using standard tube method. Basify your elf spice extract solution and combnie with 1/3 pint of ether, shake, seperate keep ether - repeat twice more toss the 100 ml basified water and  combine the ether extracts throw in a pyrex dish and evaporate to leave 4 grams of off-white to yellowish crystals - mmmm ELF SPICE! This method gets great yields and can be done in under 12 hours!

whoops posted wrong link first time here it is:

(Hive Bee)
08-17-01 11:13
No 205436
      Re: 4g nnDMT in under 12 hrs!  Bookmark   

Can you post that pic here, please? The url isn't working for me. I'm thinking about a massive extraction in the near future. Somthing I'm confussed about- on the 2nd extraction, you don't bassify?   

Visit www.the-hive.ws
08-17-01 11:47
No 205446
      Re: 4g nnDMT in under 12 hrs!  Bookmark   

DMT wouldn't partition into the ether phase from an acidic aqueous solution crazy
08-17-01 11:52
No 205449
      Re: 4g nnDMT in under 12 hrs!  Bookmark   

whoops, I meant dissolve into 100 ml acidic solution..basify then extract with ether x3 and combine the extracts.blush

(Hive Bee)
08-17-01 12:14
No 205458
      Re: 4g nnDMT in under 12 hrs!  Bookmark   

Great pic. Do you think that an initial extraction with alcohol then adding the tar to the acid will increase yeilds? 2L of acetone should only take a few hours to evaporate. 

Visit www.the-hive.ws
(Hive Addict)
08-19-01 10:55
No 205859
      Re: 4g nnDMT in under 12 hrs!  Bookmark   

  Damn, you just gave me a chubby by mentioning the yields! 4g will last even a chronic user a while. Plus, the feed-stock isn't that expensive. Thanks, peace and happy cooking!


  I'm going to help all of you cleanse this diseased planet.
(Hive Bee)
08-21-01 10:58
No 206337
      Re: 4g nnDMT in under 12 hrs!  Bookmark   

Is acetone a good solvent for an initial extraction from the bark? If one is doing a bulk extraction, it seems like it would be best to initially extract with a fast evaporating solvent so you dont have to work with gallons of water. Comments, anyone?

Visit www.the-hive.ws
(Hive Addict)
08-21-01 16:01
No 206403
      Re: 4g nnDMT in under 12 hrs!  Bookmark   

Use MeOH /EtOH if you want something faster than H2O. Just remember you can't a/b the MeOH and will have to redissolve in water and acidify

The all new fangled http://originalanimal.homestead.com
(Hive Bee)
08-21-01 16:40
No 206411
      Re: 4g nnDMT in under 12 hrs!  Bookmark   

The reson why I asked about acetone was because it's so much faster evaporating than MeOH. Without any heat, 1L of MeOH will probably take all day to evaporate.

Visit www.the-hive.ws
(Hive Bee)
08-22-01 03:17
No 206521
      Re: 4g nnDMT in under 12 hrs!  Bookmark   

Well, in my neck of the woods a litre of acetone is alot more expensive than MeOH,if you really wanna find out,grind up a tiny bit of bark, pour acetone on top  and make a decision based on the results

Also known as finding out for your selftongue
10-09-01 09:38
No 222296
      Re: 4g nnDMT in under 12 hrs!  Bookmark   

I was just wondering exactly what "standard tube method" is, and also if there is a substitute for petroleum ether.  I have had a hard time obtaining that in the past and would like to get around it if at all possible.

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(Old P2P Cook)
10-09-01 19:39
No 222526
      Re: 4g nnDMT in under 12 hrs!  Bookmark   

There are many substitutes for petroleum ether - naphtha, lighter fluid etc.
(Hive Bee)
10-09-01 23:22
No 222616
      Re: 4g nnDMT in under 12 hrs!  Bookmark   

" To get liquid ether out of an aerosol starting fluid can, spray it down a ten or twelve inch length of three-quarterinch PVC pipe into a jar; the ether condenses on the sides of the pipe and drips into the jar, while the inert propellant dissipates into the atmosphere."

from: Psychedelic Shamanism by Jim DeKorne.

Vae victis meretrix est et mors venit.
10-13-01 17:36
No 224211
      Re: 4g nnDMT in under 12 hrs!  Bookmark   

uhhh .. could you share a couple of search terms for the bark ... mmm .. better not.  Thanks for a truly inspiring post :)


10-17-01 00:02
No 225653
      Re: 4g nnDMT in under 12 hrs!  Bookmark   

The Quick Start Diesel Starter Fluid aerosol cans I can buy contain diethylether with a propellant, NOT petroleum ether [naphtha],which is a quite different solvent.
(Hive Bee)
10-19-01 13:59
No 226887
      Re: 4g nnDMT in under 12 hrs!  Bookmark   

Thank you pulp!

I don't even play with this stuff and even I picked up that error when reading through the initial instructions.

That is a pretty fucking huge glaring error there.  Pet. ether and diethyl ether are not even remotely the same, and replacing one for the other will completely fuck up your reaction.

No offense, but if a shmuck like me can pick up on that, how come noone else did (aside from pulp)...
10-20-01 13:37
No 227258
      Re: 4g nnDMT in under 12 hrs!  Bookmark   

I think nnDMT's recipe was more concerned with the solvent, not the label of the bottle you get it from.  That's the main reason none of us "picked up on it."  If I were you, I'd go look at other bottles of starter fluid to find one that says "Petroleum Ether" under the ingredients list.  While you're at it, just go to an auto parts store and browse through all the starter fluids, engine degreasers, etc. and look at all the ingredients.  I went and wrote down what is in each bottle of stuff, so any time I need a particular solvent for a reaction, I already know exactly what I need to get.  It's always good to just go looking through all kinds of chemical bottles at hardware stores, Wal-Mart, etc. just to see what has what in it.  While you're at it, teach others.  That's how we win the war!  So everyone do your part.

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(Chef d'Equippe)
10-25-01 03:57
No 228646
      Re: 4g nnDMT in under 12 hrs!  Bookmark   

DCM will work with excellent results also, as will toluene.