amalgum (Stranger)
08-28-01 19:53
No 208196
      LSD  Bookmark   

ALright, I have been looking at several LSD synthesis lately, and a lot of them are very attractive.  But before I think about dreaming any of them here are some questions:

The most attractive route to me:
LSA+hydrazine-->lysergic acid hydrazide
LSA-hydrazide-->lysergic acid azide
LSA-azide+diethylamine-->LSD (actually racemic mix, but the iso is easily isomerized).
This is an OK yeilding route that was in the LSD patent from Sandoz.  But I like it because the chemicals invovled are inconspicuous.  The only question:hydrazine. 
Does anybody have any links or referneces or synthesis's or whatever for hydrazine?  I'm still searching and I am still inconclusive.

The POCl3 (phosphorus oxychloride) or PCl5 (phosphorus pentachloride) route is attractive as well.
LSA+POCl3 or PCl5-->lysergic acid chloride hydrochloride
LSA-chloride HCl+diethylamine-->LSD
This one is very attractive cause eause of procedure, as well as good yeilds, and no racemic mix.  Only stumbling block:POCl3 or PCl5.
Does anyone have any links or references or whatever to the synthesis of POCl3 or PCl5?

The last route I was interested in was the ester route.  Reacting LSA with an alcohol and an acid to form an ester.
Use of different alcohols leads to different esters (butyl forms butyl ester, ethyl forms ethyl ester ect.).
LSA+methyl alcohol+HCL-->LSA-methyl ester HCl.
LSA-methyl ester HCl+diethylamine-->LSD
Now, the problem here is the coupling with the amine.  Does it work?  I know the formation of the ester works, but the only reference I could find for amidation was by heating butylamine with the ester to form the butylamide. 
Would the same work for diethylamine?

I find it hard to beleive that just heating the ester with diethylamine to 40 deg C for a few hours will form LSD, at least in good yeilds.  But you never know.

Can anybody help me out with these questions?  Thanks, and I do appreciate it.
10-17-01 10:37
No 225848
      Re: LSD  Bookmark   

Did you ever find any links or referneces or synthesis's of hydrazine?

To do is to be. -Descartes
To be is to do. -Plato
Do be do be do. -Frank Sinatra
(Chief Bee)
10-17-01 11:20
No 225854
      Hydrazine Sulfate  Bookmark   

Preparation of Hydrazine sulfate

2 NH3  + NaOCl + H2SO4  ---> N2H4*H2SO4 + NaCl + H2O

141 ml of Chlorox bleach (5.25% NaOCl) was added to 200 ml of 20% ammonium hydroxide and 5 ml of 1% Ca(OH)2 in a one liter Erlenmeyer flask. The mixture was rapidly heated to boiling and maintained until the volume was reduced to about half, which required about one-half hour. The solution was rapidly cooled and dilute sulfuric acid was added until a pH of 7-8 has attained and the precipitate that formed was separated by filtration. The cold filtrate was strongly acidified with 40 percent sulfuric acid. The white precipitate was filtered, washed with methanol and air dried. Melting point 254°C (lit. 254°C).

A too big reference work on Hydrazine:
(Hive Bee)
10-17-01 13:24
No 225917
      Re: Hydrazine Sulfate  Bookmark   

for any synthesis requiring chromatography.
(Distinctive Doe)
12-03-01 01:22
No 243529
      Nevermind  Bookmark   

This post was also moved because it didn't work right.

Do Your Part To Win The War
(Distinctive Doe)
12-03-01 03:13
No 243546
      Nevermind  Bookmark   

I moved this info to Post 243547 (foxy2: "Hydrazine Info Ect.", Methods Discourse)

Do Your Part To Win The War
12-04-01 12:02
No 244139
      Re: LSD  Bookmark   

Damn I forgot all about this post.  Thanks for the added insight though.  Even though if SWIM were to ever dream LSD, it probably wouldn't be the hydrazine method.

Anybody ever figure out if the ester route worked?