SpicyBrown (Hive Bee)
09-05-01 08:38
No 210247
      Shelf life of freebase DMT in basic solution?  Bookmark   

What might the shelf life be of the DMT contained within a jar of solution at an approx. pH of 12? There exists other things in the jar as well, such as some plant matter.

09-05-01 16:26
No 210357
      Re: Shelf life of freebase DMT in basic solution?  Bookmark   

At room temp this solution is very unstable. You can possibly sit beside it watching it becoming dark... Freezing as low as possible should help. And in acidic solution it may be a bit more stable (?).
(Hive Bee)
09-05-01 17:08
No 210372
      Re: Shelf life of freebase DMT in basic solution?  Bookmark   

Why don't you add your NP solvent and shake it up and let that sit around untill you find the time to finish? Or are you currently looking for a good solvent and that's why it's just sitting around?

please share chemical sources with me via p.m.
(Hive Bee)
09-08-01 23:12
No 211454
      Re: Shelf life of freebase DMT in basic solution?  Bookmark   

SWIM was considering using DCM for it. It's someone's old aborted extraction.. I think it is around 2 to 3 months old.
