Lem2 (Newbee)
09-13-01 02:32
No 212807
      5-MeO-DMT Recrystaliztion/Wash Solvents?  Bookmark   

I recently got some MeO-DMT from the Poisonous-NonConsumables place, and goddamn! that shit is FUCKING BEIGEmadmadmad!! I would like to avoid doing an A/B due to the fact that I only have like 250mg's to work with, so does anyone know of a good solvent(s) to do either a recrystalization or washing of MeO-DMT freebase?
09-13-01 03:56
No 212849
      Re: 5-MeO-DMT Recrystaliztion/Wash Solvents?  Bookmark   

Beige is good for tryptamines smile A/B and most recrystallizations can't remove this color.
(Distinctive Doe)
09-13-01 05:45
No 212887
      Re: 5-MeO-DMT Recrystaliztion/Wash Solvents?  Bookmark   

I wouldn't even try to purify it.  I guarantee that you will lose 50% minimum.  Just smoke it.  A little impurity will not be a big deal since that shit is potent!!!

Do you feel the heat wave sweeping over your brain yet???

Do Your Part To Win The War
09-13-01 05:47
No 212889
      Re: 5-MeO-DMT Recrystaliztion/Wash Solvents?  Bookmark   

lol, well, after being pissed about their horrible service/packaging(goddamn little foil/plastic envelopes), I guess I was ready to pick a fight. I will definately be ordering from a different source next time. In the mean time, though, I will take your advise, and just shut-up and smoke it.tongue
(Old P2P Cook)
09-13-01 08:57
No 212958
      Re: 5-MeO-DMT Recrystaliztion/Wash Solvents?  Bookmark   

Yeah, you would think that for the price you pay they could at least put out for a decent vial.
(Distinctive Doe)
09-13-01 09:02
No 212962
      Re: 5-MeO-DMT Recrystaliztion/Wash Solvents?  Bookmark   

So have you felt the heat wave over the brain yet?

That shit is crazy, my pet name for it is "the crazyness"
You can actually feel it saturate the receptors in your brain.

Do Your Part To Win The War
09-13-01 18:28
No 213104
      Re: 5-MeO-DMT Recrystaliztion/Wash Solvents?  Bookmark   

lol, "the crazyness", I like that! well, I haven't broken through into the super insane/crazy innerspace that everyone is talking about yet, I have been slowly working up the dose to get a feel for the material. It is still quite weird though, it is almost like tripping on shrooms for 15 minutes! CRAZY!cool

Also, what is everyone's favorite way to smoke this substance? I have been using a glass speedpipe, but the smoke is SO harsh it makes my lungs hurt for like 5-10 minutes after I smoke it! Since it is a freebase, I would assume one wouldn't loose to terribly much of the substance smoking it through a bong?
(Distinctive Doe)
09-13-01 18:55
No 213113
      Re: 5-MeO-DMT Recrystaliztion/Wash Solvents?  Bookmark   

I used a bowl made of stainless steel pipe.  The actual bowl is very narrow.  Stick a little grass in there then add a knife blade of "the crazyness" and take all in one big hit.

Probably inefficient but works.

Do Your Part To Win The War
09-13-01 18:58
No 213115
      Re: 5-MeO-DMT Recrystaliztion/Wash Solvents?  Bookmark   

kewl, swim has a cute little glass pipe(kind bud kind, not speed kind) at home that would work perfectly for that!
(Distinctive Doe)
09-13-01 19:11
No 213125
      Re: 5-MeO-DMT Recrystaliztion/Wash Solvents?  Bookmark   

Make sure you set up the bowl carefully so that the tiny amount of powder gets directly hit with the flame.  Use dry dry shake, not hard nuggets or you will lose most of the 5-meo powder.

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