baalchemist (Chef d'Equippe)
10-25-01 04:03
No 228648
      Extracting DMT's  Bookmark   

Curious if any bees have tried a soxhlet extraction of rootbarks with ph 1-2>H2O or a butane extraction to
obtain the goods.

(Hive Bee)
10-28-01 04:30
No 229570
      Re: Extracting DMT's  Bookmark   

swia attempted a butane without any success

The big cheeses have got the red names
(Hive Bee)
10-28-01 04:31
No 229571
      Re: Extracting DMT's  Bookmark   

Not to say butane extractions don't work btw, just not on the one swia tried with MHRB

The big cheeses have got the red names
(Distinctive Doe)
10-29-01 07:57
No 229942
      Re: Extracting DMT's  Bookmark   

Water should work even if its not acidifyed since the DMT will be a salt.

I don't see how any nonpolars could work as a primary extraction, how would you baseify?  Maybee the solventless A/B someone mentioned for extraction pills would work??

Do Your Part To Win The War
10-31-01 02:57
No 230869
      Re: Extracting DMT's  Bookmark   

i tried an ethanol extract but my condenser seems not to work ok. And the amount of water used to 6 hours extraction is astronomic to me!
and i don't think butane will extract alkaloids salts but it is a good deffat for a 1st step.

(Hive Bee)
11-01-01 07:42
No 231574
      Re: Extracting DMT's  Bookmark   

MeOh and EtOH are excellent solvents for MHRB extractions, quick to evap.

swia evaps the MeOH extract in pyrex to dryness and then adds some dH2O and a splash of acid and redissolves. runs spoon on pyrex to  get all the crust off and heats water to help, this is all then poured straight  in beaker for a/b.

Brain orgasm

btw what do you need a condensor for if you are evapping the EtOH extract?

The big cheeses have got the red names
(Hive Bee)
11-01-01 15:25
No 231726
      Re: Extracting DMT's  Bookmark   

How successful would an MeOH only extraction of DMT be for smokable purposes if allowed to dry?  I've read the extracted material can be pretty gummy, but not sure how bad.  Would it be mostly suitable for oral consumption with ones favorite MAO inhibitor (i.e. harmala alkaloids)?
(Hive Bee)
11-02-01 17:45
No 232377
      Re: Extracting DMT's  Bookmark   

An MeOH extract is not in itself smokable(althtough fine for harmaline/mhrb extract caps, ya just have ta eat enuff of them) , its still only about 2% purity (if that), an a/b must be done, no two ways about it for a smokable product

The big cheeses have got the red names
(Hive Bee)
11-03-01 01:23
No 232520
      Re: Extracting DMT's  Bookmark   

Fair enough.  Just curious.  Frankly DMT kinda scares me, but never having tried it it's hard to say.
(Hive Bee)
11-05-01 18:30
No 233437
      Re: Extracting DMT's  Bookmark   

I'm not sure that ethhanol is as effective as methanol. A methanol extraction left the MHRB less pink colored (if I remember correctly) than an extraction with ethanol. I'm not sure if this is a sighn that not all the DMT was taken up or it was just some extra crap that wasn't.
(Old P2P Cook)
11-05-01 19:09
No 233461
      Re: Extracting DMT's  Bookmark   

Frankly DMT kinda scares me, but never having tried it it's hard to say.
As with other psychedelics the intensity of the effects varies greatly with dosage. You can smoke a small amount of DMT and get strong visuals while still maintaining a sense of reality.
(Hive Bee)
11-05-01 20:50
No 233534
      Re: Extracting DMT's  Bookmark   

Whats nice about DMT is it's short duration. If you ever start freaking out, you know that it's almost over. I just had a trip that made every other expirence look like nothing.
11-28-01 17:52
No 241849
      Re: Extracting DMT's  Bookmark   

Here is a good beginner's guide on the subject, if any of you haven't already seen it...
