IudexK2 (Hive Bee)
10-27-01 02:43
No 229167
      Things to do with psilocin  Bookmark   

Suppose SWIM had a reasonable amount of pure psiloc(yb)in... is there anything interesting that can bee done with it chemically? Any magick halogenations that will increase potency hundredfolds?

Many thankx,
(Chief Bee)
10-27-01 02:56
No 229170
      Re: Things to do with psilocin  Bookmark   

Nothing can be done to psilocybin/psilocin to make it better. It is the state-of-the-art as it is.
(Hive Bee)
10-27-01 03:06
No 229172
      Re: Things to do with psilocin  Bookmark   

Yea, I spose it is laugh!
(Distinctive Doe)
10-27-01 07:35
No 229222
      Re: Things to do with psilocin  Bookmark   

Mix it with 5 parts Harmaline, shake it up and wait ten minutes for the reaction to take place.

Then you get
psilo pentaharmal

Eat 300 mg of this and tell us how it was.

Do Your Part To Win The War
(Hive Bee)
10-27-01 17:11
No 229293
      Re: Things to do with psilocin  Bookmark   

Was that a joke? I can find no references to "psilo pentaharmal".... do you have any refs for this? Surely eating 300mg of something made from psilocin and a MAOI would bee a bad idea?
(Chief Bee)
10-27-01 17:17
No 229295
      Re: Things to do with psilocin  Bookmark   

(Distinctive Doe)
10-27-01 18:09
No 229298
      Re: Things to do with psilocin  Bookmark   

LoL, yes it is a joke, kind of.
It sounds like a quite interesting experiment to me!!!
Or maybee I should say experiencesmile

You could call it psilohusca.
I have read reports of telepathic experiences when MAOI's are combined with psilocin.  Sounds fun.  Combining with LSD also sounds fun, supposedly a more "organic/earthy" acid trip.

Look at erowid and lycaeum about the combo.

Do Your Part To Win The War
(Hive Bee)
10-29-01 18:34
No 229971
      Re: Things to do with psilocin  Bookmark   

Dissolve 20mgs in dmso and wipe it all over your skin, and then tell us what happens.

Today is opposites day.  Everything I say, I mean the opposite.
(Pioneer Researcher)
10-30-01 20:49
No 230563
      Re: Things to do with psilocin  Bookmark   

I friend made the DMSO procedure with other active phenethylamine and didn't feel anything special. Anyway he is hard to stone.
How much time can be stored psilocin and in wich conditions ? so if it's not at <-10 C, how much time can be ok ?