Psi_Locybe (Stranger)
01-08-02 18:16
No 254208
      Tryptophan Qs...  Bookmark   

Err, yeah... So, I've got some tryptophan just a-sittin in the seed, right?

  ...only problem is, I don't have a Merck (or shit else, either)... and know nothing about this substance.  First things first.

  I know the indole nucleus flouresces.  I have been presuming that the tryptophan is the reddish-orange flourescence, rather than the bright purple-white that all white things give off under blacklight.  Is this a correct identification?  Does it even flouresce under blacklight, or do I need the improbable-to-get longwave lamp?

Now, on the basis of the above, I've determined that what-I-think-is-tryptophan (henceforth referred to in newbee fashion as 'tryptophan') appears to be quite insoluable in 99% isopropanol.  It appears to be soluable, albeit slowly, in peanut oil...

  Can anyone just give me a soluability table en masse?  It's not findable by TFSE, and I've missed it in non-F search engines...

  Does what I've written on its soluability completely rule out and/or confirm its tryptophanic nature?

  Will the color of its flourescence change upon decarboxylation?

  If I thin my peanut oil with IPA, say, in an attempt to get it through the damn filter, will the tryptophan crash out of solution, or will it take it in stride?

  Last but not least, has anyone eaten tryptamine raw?  I've enjoyed a phatty buzz off a plate of ground beef before, but never crystal... the beef's pleasant... 'out there on your own... like a rolling stone...' ...autobiosynth is nice... I like the 5HT/5MeOnAcT system...

  ...not that I would EVER commit such a crime as to eat fried sunflower seeds.  Sunflower seeds would clearly fall under the analog act, if intended for human consumption, and thus violate the law.  In fact, officially, I don't eat.  Period... 'cause it's all a crime.

  Thank y'all ever so much,

Rev. Psi Locybe, insane alchemist.
(Hive Bee)
01-08-02 21:57
No 254288
      Re: Tryptophan Qs...  Bookmark   

I believe there is a particular test applied for indole compounds which, when completed, yields an indigo blue result.  Look for testing for psilocybin on erowid or the like and i'm sure you'll find it.  Hell it may even be on Rhodiums site.
01-08-02 23:02
No 254312
      Re: Tryptophan Qs...  Bookmark   

I believe there is a particular test applied for indole compounds which, when completed, yields an indigo blue result.

  A thousand thanks for the suggestion!  Looking through my files... (I have detailed files)...

  ...being a truly ghetto-ass alchemist, the Keller test looks the most realistic; GAA via filtering/drying of OTC food-grade vinegar to purity (ouch) in NaCl or CaCl2, scrape sulfuric acid crystals off battery terminals, and the 0.5% FeCl3 should be a low-enough percentage that I can just drop a nail in - some of the acetic will likely swap with the chloride of the salt...

  ...or, hell... I can just buy the muratic acid...

  ...and it becomes even more accessible once I start blowing my own glass like I'm going to have to do.  Then I can just distill to anhydrousity.  :)

  For those interested, the Keller test yields olive-green for psilocin and red-violet for psilocybin, apparently...

Look for testing for psilocybin on erowid or the like and i'm sure you'll find it.  Hell it may even be on Rhodiums site.

  Thanks - I'll look for others - there's probably something well-suited to the ghetto-ass like myself. Hmm...  Marquis gives brown-green-orange-yellow results for tryptamines listed (harmine, yohimbine, DxT, etc)... but ain't too specific... don't thing I'm going to be synthesizing paradimethylaminobenzaldehyde from anything food-grade or growing in a sidewalk anytime soon (too bad, it looks useful)... maybe if I get REALLY bored with... cinnamon, is it?

  ...but thanks for telling me to do my investigations right.  :)

Rev. Psi Locybe, insane alchemist.
01-09-02 04:24
No 254376
      Re: Tryptophan Qs...  Bookmark   

"sulfuric acid crystals" crazycrazycrazy don't exist, at least not on battery terminals.

The Keller reagent detects 4-hydroxylated indoles only. The Ehrlich reagent (para-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde; UTFSE) detects all (2- or 3-unsubstituted) indoles.

Tryptophan is not soluble in IPA or oil at RT. It's soluble in more polar solvents like water, methanol, and hot ethanol. It is used as a suspension in the decarboxylation reactions using non-polar solvents.

01-09-02 20:54
No 254663
      Re: Tryptophan Qs...  Bookmark   

"sulfuric acid crystals"  don't exist, at least not on battery terminals.

  Well, thanks for clearing that up while I've still got the 'stranger' newbee title to cover my idiocy.  smile  Now I've got to figure out just what in the hell those were...

The Keller reagent detects 4-hydroxylated indoles only. The Ehrlich reagent (para-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde; UTFSE) detects all (2- or 3-unsubstituted) indoles.

  Thank you.  This should make specificity of 'what the hell is this' much, much easier.  :)

Tryptophan is not soluble in IPA or oil at RT.

  Well, I guess that means that my experiment is decently washed!  laugh  I guess it's on to using dilute bicarb solution... or basing other alkaloids into the oil... grr... that would mean cooking some crude lye...

  But thank you not only for the information, but for a newfound sense of purpouse in life - now, I simply must find out what the hell that reddish-orange-under-blacklight stuff is which appears to be slowly dissolving in peanut oil, but is not IPA soluable... hmm...

  ...ah, the joys of science.

It's soluble in more polar solvents like water, methanol, and hot ethanol. It is used as a suspension in the decarboxylation reactions using non-polar solvents.

  That would explain my intense confusion; thanks!  I don't suppose you'd happen to know if there was some wingnut chance that, say, bicarb would horribly blow a decarboxylation with, say, peanut oil & thujone?

Clarification, added later - that's three seperate 'I wonder what the hell that is' references; it was not intended to be construed as linked (i.e., I DOUBT that Keller/p-DMAB will tell me what crust is on the battery).  Thanks again for your reply.

Rev. Psi Locybe, insane alchemist.
(Hive Bee)
01-11-02 14:22
No 255399
      Re: Tryptophan Qs...  Bookmark   

Ah yes, kellers reagent.  I just couldn't remember the name.  Apparently I was a little off on the color though.blush
01-12-02 20:24
No 255802
      Re: Tryptophan Qs...  Bookmark   

Ah yes, kellers reagent.  I just couldn't remember the name.  Apparently I was a little off on the color though.

  No worries ;), I've been more than a little off on a whole lot more... you can just hide your errors behind mine...

  ...'till next time, I'm off to brew sunflower tea...

Rev. Psi Locybe, insane alchemist.