CarTaN (Stranger)
05-03-02 15:32
No 304577
      German LSD synthesis  Bookmark   

Hi guys,
i wanted to know if some german (french is ok too) people which already synthesized LSD are here and could give me a german(french) synthesis guide (my english is very bad and i don't understand all the thingfrown ). I would be very happy if somone can help me.
thank you
(Chief Bee)
05-03-02 16:20
No 304580
      German Acid  Bookmark   

I'm sorry to say that if you don't understand the english synthesis, you probably won't undertand the german either. Here is however a link to a german translation:
(Hive Addict)
05-07-02 20:31
No 305853
      its probably just the german translation  Bookmark   

it probably just the german translation of an acid synth already found on rhodiums site. post it so we can see.

please insert coin
(Chief Bee)
05-08-02 04:37
No 306033
      It is exactly the same as on my page.  Bookmark   

It is exactly the same as on my page.