Bandil (Hive Bee)
07-25-02 02:15
No 336897
      Tryptamine breakdown  Bookmark   


During swims last festival he brought 100 mg's of 5-meo-AMT dissolved in 50 mL's of 40% vodka. Swim WOULD have used 96% alc, but he was all out at the moment, so he was a little desperate. Now a month later swim has still only used 4-5 mL's of the soln... Unfortunately it has turned somewhat yellowish. It has been stored dark and quite cool. What could have caused this? I suppose its because of some reaction with the vodka. Is it still safe to drink the soln or should swim throw out the 100 mg's of 5-meo-AMT( crazycrazy )?

Thanks for you help!

(Hive Bee)
07-25-02 04:43
No 336914
      I really doubt that ethanol would react with ...  Bookmark   

I really doubt that ethanol would react with 5-MeO-AMT especially under those mild conditions. But tryptamines are known to decompose over time. Was the tryptamine bought as the free base or as a salt.
(Hive Bee)
07-25-02 04:57
No 336917
      freebase... swim has stored AMT in pure ethanol ...  Bookmark   


swim has stored AMT in pure ethanol before w/o any problems, but he was a bit nervous of what might stalk around in the vodka...
07-25-02 06:51
No 336930
      Shouldn't be a problem  Bookmark   

Shouldn't be a problem, colorations are usually absolutely minor impurities. Tryptamines react with (acet-)aldehydes (which result from air oxidation of alcohols(?)) to tetrahydro-beta-carbolines, so vodka may not be the best storage medium... Don't care too much of degradation products as long as you still have enough of that extremely potent product in it.