Vibrating_Lights (Hive Addict)
09-05-02 00:05
No 352929
      Proposed DMT synth  Bookmark   

Perhaps this has already been done but i though i would throw it out there.
Start at Tryptamine.
Tryptamine + N2 --KOH/MeOH--> Indole3Carbolixic acid + NH2.
Indole3carboxilic acid+ Thionyl Chloride= Indole3 chloride.
Indole3chloride + dimethylamine +=  N.N.DMTamide
NNDMT Amide reduced with NaBH4 to amine.
Substitute 4HOTryptamine for Psilocybin. 5MeOtryptamine for
Are indoles stable with Thionyl Chloride.
Base would probably have to be added to the diaminationas the rxn progressed to keep the formed HCL from damaging the molocule.??????

So much game I could sell a hooker some pussy
(Chief Bee)
09-05-02 00:12
No 352934
      The first step does not work.  Bookmark   

The first step does not work. The other steps are documented on my page.
(Hive Addict)
09-05-02 01:35
No 352943
      Amine to carboxilic acid  Bookmark   

Could tryptophan be fermented to tryptaphol. then the tryptophol clorinated to give the indole 3chloro compound.
(Chief Bee)
09-05-02 02:28
No 352954
      Could you please read up on some organic ...  Bookmark   

Could you please read up on some organic chemistry before continuously throwing wild guesses around yourself? Then you don't have to ask wildly illogical things, and we don't have to answer.

Why would fermentation convert tryptamine to tryptophol? Have you seen similar examples in the literature? Would you actually have use for a fermentation reference if there was one?

There is no space left in the 3-position of tryptophol for a chlorination to take place there - the side chain is already there.

...etc, etc...
(Official Hive Approximator)
09-05-02 04:24
No 352970
      tryptophol via yeast  Bookmark   

> Why would fermentation convert tryptamine to tryptophol?

don't know, but there is a highly impractical procedure posted to the hive: Post 9775 (in_outsider: "Tryptophol from Tryptophan via yeast", Tryptamine Chemistry)

otherwise: i agree.

couch terrorist
(Hive Addict)
09-05-02 09:59
No 353047
      SOrry  Bookmark   

SOrry rhod.  Swim has a habit of brainstorming whilst he is all tweaked out every so often.  I'm sorry if it takes up post space, but this is how swim learns best.
 How come KOH/N2 can make a carboxilic acid from ergotamine and not tryptamin?

So much game I could sell a hooker some pussy
(Chief Bee)
09-05-02 11:02
No 353076
      Because ergotamine is an amide and tryptamine is ...  Bookmark   

Because ergotamine is an amide and tryptamine is an amine? Look up the structures if you are unsure.