Bubbleplate (Hive Bee)
02-26-03 09:31
No 411975
      All Time Record For Amount of LSD?  Bookmark   

The continuing trial of William Leonard Pickard:
In other testimony:

"Timothy McKibben, senior research chemist for the federal Drug Enforcement Administration, told jurors that almost 91 pounds of powder and liquid, which would make 826 million doses of LSD, was confiscated from a rental truck stopped by law enforcement officers on Nov. 6, 2000, in Wamego. A dose sells on the street for $1 to $10. According to an earlier witness, the 91 pounds would produce 413 million doses. The truck, which also contained the LSD lab, carried two drug mixtures totaling 266 pounds, which were a step away from being LSD, McKibben testified, saying he used a recipe and chemicals confiscated during the investigation to produce LSD."
266 POUNDS! Truly unbelieveable!
(Hive Bee)
02-26-03 14:42
No 412057
      the couch/law and order  Bookmark   

Yeah, I think this belongs somewhere else too.

Producers tend to make the lower figure per dose money wise, usually theres at least two down the chain before the buyer.

I know naaaathing.