urushibara (Hive Bee)
04-29-03 08:59
No 430213
      dmt freebase boiling temperature  Bookmark   

SWIM recently discovered that well purified dmt, which wasn't perfectly pure, it was a translucent golden colour, seemed to be a hell of a lot more easy to smoke than the more common waxy white and orange gum type dmt. does any other bee find the same thing with better purified dmt? SWIM used toluene to defat, which he attributes the purity of this extract, recent experience is suggesting to SWIM that possibly it is sugars which are the primary contaminant in plant extracts, and second to that, residual base and plant resins (the former he believes is responsible for the waxy beige, and the latter, as well as the former, for the orange/brown gum)

It is a peculiar thing that the range of boiling of even analytical pure dmt is not a consistent value. SWIM's working hypothesis at this point is that this is the result of two different types of crystallisation patterns, one of which is denser than the other, and thus causes the melting point to be significantly higher. Can anyone illuminate the subject of the variability in these, and more usefully, how to deliberately ensure that the lower boiling crystal is formed? SWIM thinks that the base more readily forms the lower melting/boiling form, in a report somewhere of synthesis (could have been tihkal, but I'm not sure) where the higher boiling/melting crystal form was induced by dropping a higher boiling crystal into  a crystallising mass of dmt freebase.

you can't keep peace with a gun
04-29-03 12:08
No 430251
      The melting point for different crystal ...  Bookmark   

The melting point for different crystal structures could be different, but obviously not the boiling point crazy.
05-01-03 16:51
No 430704
      oxide?  Bookmark   

could the orange color be the dmt-N-oxide?
cause old dmt (expoused to atmosphere) gets colored (from mhrb).

have you ever been hyperspaced?
(Hive Bee)
05-16-03 02:39
No 433507
      No, the oxidised alkaloids turn reddish, at...  Bookmark   

No, the oxidised alkaloids turn reddish, at least the stuff I have seen that is older. I suppose you could call it orange, it depends on how yellow the extract was in the first place - when it is extracted without defatting it tends to form a whitish-yellow waxy, and I would think that oxidation would look more orange on that due to the ground colour of the material.

Lil - yes, that's correct of course. The two different crystal structures would explain why there is so much variation in the melting point in the literature.

you can't keep peace with a gun