pHarmacist (pHantasticant)
11-05-03 13:04
No 468898
      Synthetic approaches towards indoles (review)     

Synthetic approaches towards indoles on solid phase recent advances and future directions
Jan Tois, Robert Franzén and Ari Koskinen
Tetrahedron 59 (2003) 5395–5405 (


Indole scaffolds are biologically very attractive and have appeared frequently in the medicinal chemistry literature showing their importance. Several solid-phase indole syntheses have already been reported and considerable effort is to be expected in the future to provide more efficient solid-supported methodologies for the indole synthesis. This report summarises the literature published until July 2002 describing methods for either the preparation of the indole moiety or the modification of the indole core on a variety of polymer-supported resins.
11-05-03 13:30
No 468903
      nice reference, thanks!     

nice reference, thanks!
(Hive Bee)
11-05-03 14:30
No 468908
      Dear Pharmacist     

Dear Pharmacist!

Lego really likes your literature findings but could you please UTFSE before posting an article?

Just entering the first page (5395 in this case) will give you 5 results. The first is your post wink and the third one is:
Post 444241 (Lego: "Synthetic approaches towards indoles on solid phas", Tryptamine Chemistry)
Here we have the first part of the article and a link to the full-text as PDF.

There is no reason to do the work twice.

Btw: At least you have been smarter than Lego and used the DOI-tag. wink

The candle that burns twice as bright burns half as long
11-05-03 15:13
No 468917

You didn't post the name of the authors, that's why I failed to get hits using TFSE, and thus I posted the allrady posted article..

(Chief Bee)
11-05-03 17:31
No 468944
      Post 445019     

Post 445019 (Rhodium: "How to find already posted articles in TFSE", General Discourse)
11-05-03 18:07
No 468949

The idea in this case was to narrow down the hits using the author's name since I was dealing with someone whose work is not all over the place like it would bee if the author was Nichols, in which case I'd naturally use alternative search-term (volume/starting page no/year). But I thought that the name of the author would do in this particular case. If someone name is Abrakadabrowitz, wouldn't that bee a good search-term?
(Chief Bee)
11-05-03 18:38
No 468952
      How to     

No, as people are often sloppy when it comes to including/spelling author names. They almost always include volume, year and starting page though, so by using those numbers as search terms you will always find the article, if posted before.
(Hive Addict)
11-05-03 19:38
No 468959
      hypo's golden rule of how to UTFSE:     

if you don't find it, search again. wink

n'importe quoi