n00dle (Stranger)
03-28-04 09:44
No 497827
      dmt synth viable?     

Can anyone see if this is viable from start to finish?

L-tryptophan capsules are to be obtained.
Tryptophan to tryptophol via yeast, as stated here:
Post 10483 (Rhodium: "Re: Tryptophol from Tryptophan via yeast", Tryptamine Chemistry)
according to Post 9737 (Rhodium: "Re: maybe 4 steps from tryptophan to DMT/DET/DPT", Tryptamine Chemistry)0.1 moles of tryptophol is required. Trypophol has a M.W of 160.19, so 0.1 moles would be 16.019 grams rounded off.

According to the first ref, 3.3 grams of tryptophol were obtained from 5 grams tryptophan. Therefore to get 16 grams roughly, 24.24 grams of tryptophan is to be added. Since 24.24 / 3.3 = 7.34, that means the batch is scaled up 7.34x.

Since the ref uses 6000ml water to 600gm sugar, this suggests we use 44L of water to 4.4kg of sugar. (this seems appropriate personally as this sounds pretty close to a slightly low alcohol content homebrewed beer figures.)

the 0.1 moles of tryptophol (16.01gms) is placed into a flask 0.1 moles (4.5gm) of dimethylamine formed from DMF/HCL reflux.

Raney nickel hypothetically may be a hassle to find, yet nickle powder is available. Therefore the option of using urushibara as a reducing agent is possible and preferred.
SWIM doesn't know how much urushibara would be needed. Would someone care to fill in here?
[Possibly maybe even plain old nickel powder might be effective here?]
Anyways, urushibara is dropped into the flask along with tolune and a dean-stark trap is attached. Mixture was brought to reflux. [Why do i have a feeling here that the tolune will be reduced by urushibara before anything interesting happens?] Condensed water collected for 4 hours, and whilst still hot mixture is filtered. Solution is concentrated under vacuo, and acid/base extracted.

[NOTE: why in the ref do they say so plainly that they added the dimethylamine to the flask? it boils at 7.4C. Did they neglect to mention that the condensor used for refluxing was ice-cooled? Can someone explain how the hell you reflux a tolune soln with a substance that boils at 7 degrees in there, and catch both of them? SWIM only forsees icewater in condensor.] [On a second note is this possible? If you were to use dimethylamine hydrochloride would the synth be the same but end up with dmt.hcl at the end, instead of freebase? SWIM thinks not..]

Apologies for stupidity or rambling.. Just trying to get my brain around this...