Nh3ArLiGhTSp33D (Stranger)
01-27-03 13:56
No 401970
      Mysterious white powder - No Nh3!  Bookmark   

A dream turned into a horror story while attempting to condense Nh3. Am Sulphate/NaOH system was[i] running 100% to plan, chiller -15C, condensor -53C, but all that was produced was a white (annie) smelly powder in the condensor/flask. I vaguely remember reading a post from dwarfer or Mr Clean about ammonia reacting with CO2/dry ice, could this be the cause? Drier is large PVC/CaCL2 tube (runs quite hot 35+ deg C) and yet some moisture is still getting to condensor.(which would explain heat, but not the white powder) Ideas anyone?crazy
(Hive Addict)
01-27-03 14:05
No 401974
      Are you sure its not frost?  Bookmark   

Are you sure its not frost? If any water vapor goes through than your condensor at -53C is going to get frost in it. Maybee try using NaOH for the drying tube. Its much more hygroscopic.

Sink or SWIM
01-27-03 14:20
      Frost Free.
(Rated as: UTFSE!)
01-27-03 16:22
No 402002
      Complex  Bookmark   

You have a complex of ammonia and calcium chloride, obviously you have a lot more to learn about basic chemistry wink Here's some posts that state this, which you could have found using the fucking search engine:

Post 211667 (lugh: "Re: 10% MeAm in MeOH balls up- please help!", Chemistry Discourse)
Post 234532 (lugh: "Re: Some ??? about generating NH3", Stimulants)
Post 284251 (lugh: "Re: Major CaCl2 infection", Stimulants)
Post 285919 (lugh: "Re: Major CaCl2 infection", Stimulants)
Post 243903 (lugh: "Misinformation", Stimulants)