moreford (Stranger)
03-06-03 22:59
No 414397
      DRY ICE/ co2 gas  Bookmark   

i have been looking at this dry ice. it lets a off a gas. will anything happen if i just drop in a couple pcs of ice to my N/P. if gas is used to push out the snow then what about the gas that comes from dry ice. i had this old timer tell me i was crazy for gasing with sul/salt gas. he said it will do the same but less work. now does that sound possable? thanks and i hope i posted in the right place if not, sorry
(Chief Bee)
03-06-03 23:07
No 414399
      It may work to precipitate a carbonate salt of  Bookmark   

It may work to precipitate a carbonate salt of the amine you have in solution, but carbonate salts are usually hygroscopic and generally unstable, on storage decomposing to the freebase and carbon dioxide gas again.
03-06-03 23:14
No 414401
      well do you think its worth a shot to see what  Bookmark   

well do you think its worth a shot to see what happens any way.. lol thanks for the reply