spencerific (Stranger)
04-16-03 07:40
No 427267
      Price of RP..?  Bookmark   

I am wondering what is the going rate for lbs of pure RP?

from an untraditional supplier.


RP is for cook, not to be shook.
(Hive Bee)
04-16-03 09:03
No 427290
      5-10 or so  Bookmark   

going rate is around 5-10 depends on if the judge is a traditional judge or not.
(Hive Addict)
04-16-03 10:30
No 427315
      Let me see.Aldrich was asking about 80$ a...  Bookmark   

Let me see.Aldrich was asking about 80$ a kg.Is this too high price for you?

For those about to synth,we salute you
(Hive Addict)
04-16-03 12:16
No 427339
      5-10?  Bookmark   

That's a good price is that in in dollars or what?
(Hive Addict)
04-16-03 12:16
No 427341
      i think it's in years...  Bookmark   

i think it's in years...

For those about to synth,we salute you
(Hive Addict)
04-16-03 12:44
No 427349
      you know I was  Bookmark   

only joking
(Hive Bee)
04-16-03 15:17
No 427392
      Well what is the price of m/b  Bookmark   

Well what is the price of matchboxers were you are ? .And how many does it take you to get you LBS ? .

Littlejase       smile        .

                          " Better to be than not to Bee "
(Hive Bee)
04-16-03 20:38
No 427477
      It all depends on who  Bookmark   

Who is the potential seller?
Does the seller know the buyer?
Is the sale under the guise of "legal buy"?
Is the seller aware of the real intent, whatever that might be?
Is the RP lab or commercial grade?
What are the laws governing the sale/possesion of RP in your area?

The list is almost endless, and is packed with variables that ARE endless. In view of such ambiguity (which isn't necessarily a bad thing) expect to pay from:
$100.oo to $1600 for a pound, but do not be suprised if the price is higher.
If you are on good terms with some red stained kid from a match factory, you are probably getting low grade commercial, and possibly RP that has been mixed with ground glass at about 3to1 glass to RP or more. Be sure to test.

When Freud studied Darwinism, it brought about the evolution of the wet dream...
04-16-03 21:15
No 427483
      Who is the potential seller?  Bookmark   

Who is the potential seller?
Black market retailer
Does the seller know the buyer?
Only on business terms
Is the sale under the guise of "legal buy"?
Completely off any records
Is the seller aware of the real intent, whatever that might be?
Yes, and involved slightly
Is the RP lab or commercial grade?
Technical, close to 99% pure powdered
What are the laws governing the sale/possesion of RP in your area?
Canada. It just got added to the restricted list Jan1, although there in no agency in place to inforce it.. yet. The transfers would be imported through customs with the risk of detection and loss.

So to make it a better question: What is the going rate for lab grade, shipped, completely off the books?

rp is for cook, unless it's shook
(Hive Bee)
04-16-03 23:36
No 427504
      Have heard  Bookmark   

SWIS has heard of prices for such an item fetching anywhere from $600-$1000 it all depends on who you know I suppose

Three people can keep a secret, If two are dead.
(Line Monitor)
04-20-03 04:55
No 428177
      500$ a LB  Bookmark   

500$ a LB 24-7

You can do anything I can do better
(Hive Bee)
04-20-03 19:42
No 428288
      lab grade  Bookmark   

75 bucks an oz there in the so. w. U.S.
I would like to see just how hard it might bee to whip up a batch of phosphorus.
Wheres my do-it-yourself file...

What is the price you've been quoted? (if you've been quoted one that is)

When Freud studied Darwinism, it brought about the evolution of the wet dream...
06-07-03 22:56
No 438586
      Red prices  Bookmark   

I agree w/ xboXer I've heard of prices as high as $1600 myself, but the last time I inquired myself it was going for $700 for 1kg.  or $350 an lb + or - a few oz's. 

I know that this is an old post, but I've just been reading through some of these and I wanted to give my 2 cents worth.  I just sarted back up w/ da hive after being on vacation for a couple years w/ the good old CDC aka California Department of Corrections.