f0Ul_ (Stranger)
06-04-03 19:04
No 437870
      vanillin from glucovanillin ?  Bookmark   

how can vanillin be made from glucovanillin?
(Chief Bee)
06-04-03 19:22
No 437876
      What is glucovanillin?  Bookmark   

What is glucovanillin?
(Hive Bee)
06-05-03 00:22
No 437917
      glucovanillin is a glucoside of vanillin ...  Bookmark   

glucovanillin is a glucoside of vanillin ... industry apparently uses the enzyme b-glucosidase to increase their yeild of vanillin... this is an industrial process...but im not sure if you could easily addapt this method for use here.... surely there is a synthetic chemistry route.. but i dont know what it is.... anyway.. heres the enzymatic route :

Enzymatic extraction and transformation of glucovanillin to vanillin from vanilla green pods.

Ruiz-Teran F, Perez-Amador I, Lopez-Munguia A.

Departamento de Alimentos y Biotecnologia, Ed. E, Facultad de Quimica, UNAM, CP 04510 Mexico D.F., Mexico.

Glucovanillin was extracted from green pods and simultaneously transformed to vanillin by a combination of enzyme activities involving cell wall degradation and glucovanillin hydrolysis. The reaction is best carried out with 47.5% v/v aqueous ethanol solution during 8 h at 70 degrees C, in a two-step enzymatic reaction using Viscozyme followed by Celluclast, two commercial enzymatic products containing mainly pectinase and cellulase activities, respectively. The extractive reaction proceeded with high efficiency with an amount of extracted vanillin 3.13 times higher than the one obtained with the Soxhlet method. The classical curing/extraction process results in 1.1-1.8 g of vanillin/100 g of dry pods. It is concluded that the enzymatic reaction may substitute the microbial process involved in tissue fermentation previous to vanillin extraction with the simultaneous hydrolysis of glucovanillin.

my question is how do you have bucket loads of glucovanillin yet no access to vanillin? ...