technology (Hive Bee)
08-16-03 20:56
No 454027
      RE: Check this out... cheaper VAC by hand:  Bookmark   

here is a lab supply place that provides hand vacuum pumps. This is very good as there are thoses bees that perhaps dont wont to spend all those dollars at this point in time on a vacuum pump.

They say that it pulls 20mm Torr and is easy to maintain just by the squeez of the hand...

here it is: HAVE a LOOKY:


Also good for those bees that wana strengthn there grip for wanking: as masterbation seems to be a topic of converstation in the couch..laughlaughlaughat various times" of course.

without GLASSWARE where the fuck would we BEE?
(Hive Bee)
08-17-03 00:36
No 454063
      Operation?  Bookmark   

How would one operate such a device? Would the chemist have to continuously pump the trigger to maintain a vacuum? Or could they just pump once and hold with an elastic band, etc...

If it had to be pumped continuously, that seems silly, considering distillations can take 3 hours+.

A friend with weed is a friend indeed, a friend with speed is better
(Hive Bee)
08-17-03 01:32
No 454068
      re: hand pump  Bookmark   

I belive those pumps are to be attatched to filter flasks and are not suitable for distillation
08-17-03 04:35
No 454094
      Siphons  Bookmark   

These hand operated vacuum pumps work very well for siphoning carboys in extraction, but they're not suitable for vacuum distillation or filtration crazy The aspirator pictured on the same page is what you want for vacuum distilling or filtration on a budget, but since these types of aspirators are so weak, you may want to get more than one of them laugh The hand vacuums are also available at your local auto parts store for less wink

Chemistry is our Covalent Bond
(Hive Bee)
08-17-03 05:46
No 454102
      Good POINT..  Bookmark   

That why they sell kits to fix the bastards, prob cause they fuck up all the time..

Just stick to a good pump i guess cant go wrongtongue
08-18-03 01:28
(Rated as: UTFSE!)
09-11-03 07:26
No 458420
      Wanking pumps  Bookmark   

Those little hand pumps (mfg by Mityvac, Used for automotive brake bleeding)work fine for filtration if you don't mind the exercise. They have a built in check valve to hold the vacuum. They DO NOT pump to 20mm torr! They pump down to 25 inches hg. They also have a port so it can be used for pressure. The automotive kits come with liquid traps. They don't pump low enough for most distillation and you'll kill your Dummy hand
09-16-03 14:10
No 459453
      Vacuum  Bookmark   

pumps can be dirt cheap.There are online auctions,P bought a Gast double diaphragm pump,brand new, pulls saf at 115 C and cost $75.At a local auction bought 3 refridgeration oil vacuum pumps for $50,one was not working,one distills saf at 85 C and the other at 95 C.Put ad in the local rag and sold the 95 C pump for $125, so the others were free....took 3 nesting cardboard boxes, with the vac inside and a blanket between each box.With an opening for heat escapage and a sleeping bag draped over the whole thing, from 6 feet away it is inaudible.