(Hive Bee)
10-23-03 16:50
No 466304
Ketamine's cousin??
I was reading an article ("Responses of Urban Deer to a 50% Reduction in Local Herd Density," Wildlife Society Bulletin 28 (4), 2002, pp. 902-911) and the authors mention the use of a sedative called xylazine hydrochloride (goes by the trade name of Rompun). Has anybee ever heard of this?? My curiosity was piqued because it's mentioned in conjunction with Ketaset (ketamine hydrochloride). Apparently, the dosage of ketamine for deer is 10-15 mg/kg of body weight. The dosage of xylazine for deer is 1.0-1.5 mg/kg of body weight. Interesting...
D.A.R.E. = Drugs Are Really Exciting
(Hive Addict)
10-23-03 22:50
No 466375
sadly that kind of math problem is going to...
sadly that kind of math problem is going to put 95.76% of users into the Khole so fast...
Now with 12% more Bottom! Nymphomania is not a disease, its a goal! (Methadist)
(Hive Bee)
10-25-03 07:42
No 466634
Herd Density?
Wouldn't that mean destruction of 50% of the herd? In the same sence of "thinning" the herd? Ketamine alone is great but I don't want to be reduced.
~~Fuck the Birch~~
(Hive Bee)
10-27-03 16:20
No 467016
herd reduction
Yes, The herd was reduced by 50% in terms of individuals in the population, but they were not lethally removed. The animals were captured, sedated, and release far away. I UTFSE, and it was mentioned that Xylazine is deadly if overdosed, so I think I'll steer clear of it.
D.A.R.E. = Drugs Are Really Exciting
(Hive Bee)
10-29-03 16:27
No 467549
In these parts it's used
In these parts it's used to knock out cows.. least that's what my good buddy farmboy uses it for. As far as recreational value goes we haven't been game enough to try it on a human. The nice doc who supplies Fboy with his animal drugs got real nervous when Fboy suggested he needed Ketamine. To avoid offending he gave Fboy "xylazol" instead with the explanation "K is too watched..... you wouldn't believe that junkies actually shoot the shit up!"
(Hive Addict)
10-29-03 18:45
No 467584
ketamine is used in conjunction with lidocaine
ketamine is used in conjunction with lidocaine and other drugs for horses and cows for surgery..
(Penis doesn't taste good)
10-29-03 20:21
No 467608
I've actually used it on rats
Prior to an ovariectomy on a pet rat (don't ask, and I'm not a vet, but this is true I just don't want to share too much) I anesthesized the rodent as per instructions of a long-time expert physiologist with an appropriate amount of ketamine (.245 mL) and added to this approximately 10% that amount xylazine. I was told it was to help keep the rat from involuntary spasms during surgery. Unlike Ketamine, xylazine does not have a huge comfort area between ED50 and LD50, though. In any case, the rat only needed one or two .1 mL booster shots of K over the next 2 hours to keep it totally anesthesized.
Rainbows & Butterflies Forever :)