ekolo (Stranger)
11-03-03 17:10
No 468490
      Hgcl2 question     

ive got hold of some powder Hg kan i make HgCl2 out from that or just liquid Hg. how kan i do that make it liquid.
thx for the help.
(Hive Bee)
11-03-03 17:45
No 468493

Elemental Hg is a liquid at STP, so I seriously doubt you have elemental Hg powder... what color is your powder? What is it's consistency? You might already have a Hg salt and just don't know it...

D.A.R.E. = Drugs Are Really Exciting
11-03-03 20:24
No 468517

Yes im also wondering....

Hg is an liquid wich solidifies at -30°C.
Could bee that u have already a salt.
No matter.
Just solute it in konz. HCl . Heat and stir till u have a solid residue.
 Now it is important to know what kind of salt u have had in ur hands. Ther are many ways to figure this out. Solute it in HCl and give Ba(OH)2 to it. If something precipetates it was a SO4 salt.
Another test should be heating your substanz in vakuum. Does it sublime? If it is Hg u can destill it (Danger!).
And again: Hg and all of its salts are exremly noxious.
Dont try this at home......
11-03-03 20:36
No 468518
      its silver colour powder its from an factory...     

its silver colour powder its from an factory that works with liquid Hg. they "gave" me some powder silver colour and said that it has to be mixed with something to be liquid.
now its just fine powder silver shining in the small plastic bag. what to do with it.
11-03-03 20:52
No 468520
      Do nothing with it     

Just let it in its plastic bag.
Its too dangerous, for u and your neighbourhood to experiment with Hg.
Only ( and when i say only i mean only ) when u are a talented chemist and have equipment like a laboratory u can change the metal to a salt via cooking it in an acid like HCl, H2SO4 or HNO3 and your solid residue will be the salt.

And again: Hg and all of its salts are exremly noxious.
Dont try this at home!!!!
11-03-03 20:58
No 468523
      i do have an lab i know how to work with Hg i...     

i do have an lab i know how to work with Hg i know what it kan do and that its dangeres 500mg is lethal and when heated it produces a gas that kan give astma or death if inhaled. i know how to handel it and not to inhale got a gasmask and so on. just want to say i need HgCl2. just couldnt find liquid Hg so just wanted to se if i can produce the HgCl2 from this and how. thats all i need the hgcl2.
11-03-03 21:12
No 468528
      Ok here is the preparation     

Your metal (Hg or an Amalgam- or whatever) will solute in konz. HNO3.  Add HCl and a white precipetate of Hg2Cl2 will form. To yield the HgCl2 which is soluble but not very dissoziated one must crystallize very carefully between the disproportion
Hg2 2+  --  Hg 0  +   Hg 2+

But Hg2Cl2 can be used for your application......
11-03-03 21:38
No 468535
      how much hcl do i add i have 22g of it.     

how much hcl do i add i have 22g of it. and how to crystalize it to get HgCl2. heat it until hcl is gone or what. more details please.
11-03-03 22:47
No 468547
      No details without more facts     

It's impossible to to answer your questions, since it's unknown which compound of mercury you possess frown The fact that you're asking such basic questions belies your statements concerning your knowledge of inorganic chemistry, it's rather likely you have an amalgam, which means that the mercury is bonded to another metal, such as sodium or potassium crazy Alkali metals are quite hazardous, generally alkaline earth metals aren't quite as dangerous, you need to study a lot more applicable chemistry before you injure yourself or others wink You can find out a lot of information by using the search engine, so hop to it cool

Chemistry is our Covalent Bond
11-03-03 23:36
No 468556
      Im afraid     

Im afraid of a spezial kind of chemists.

Post 467861 (not existing)
(Hive Bee)
11-04-03 08:17
No 468651
      maybe Hg spill cleanup residue     

I've seen several Hg spill cleanup containers in my day, and the liquid elemental Hg is reacted with earth metals to form a solid material (like what Lugh said). The product of this reaction looks like silver pencil shavings. The consistency of the solid would depend how hard it is to scrape this up off the floor/benchtop. I would definitely leave this stuff alone.
Actually, don't leave it alone. Take it to the nearest university organic chem lab so it can be properly disposed of. They'll be happy to do it for you.
HgCl2 is pretty easy to synth, but you should start with pure elemental liquid Hg. Whatever you do, be fuckin' careful, or the Hg will literally turn you insane if it literally doesn't kill you first. peace

D.A.R.E. = Drugs Are Really Exciting
11-04-03 20:46
No 468740
      hmmm ok i will get rid of it, just thought...     

hmmm ok i will get rid of it, just thought that i could make liquid out of it thats it dont want to kill my self hehehe. now i got to search for some liquid ooooohhhh hate the search for some old barometers oh well. thanks for the "help". smile

and i got it from a factory that handels with this stuff in liquid form they gave it to me and sayed that something has to be mixed with this powder to make it liquid Hg thats all. so its not a spill i realy got it from a factory that produces small wires for pacemakers they mix this liquid Hg with some sealing wax. they couldnt give me some liquid Hg because its blended with the sealing wax so i got the powder well thanks for the help.smilesmile
11-04-03 20:49
No 468741
      hold up hold up just talked with somone from...     

hold up hold up just talked with somone from the factory they sad to me that its pure silver that means i got 20g of powdered silver its just silver damn what kan i do with it make Hg maybe huh. hehehe its silver.laughlaughlaugh
(Hive Bee)
11-04-03 21:24
No 468753

Look here :

Post 468752 (politoxicomania: "Hg (l)  from any source containing Hg", Chemistry Discourse)

And again: Hg and all of its salts are exremly noxious.
Dont try this at home!!!!
11-04-03 21:32
No 468755
      wow no way thanks for the help but thats wayyy     

wow no way thanks for the help but thats wayyy too much work for Hg me gonna find old barometers and termometers and smash them in the head to collect the Hg much easier and funnier. but thanks for the help. what to do now with this powder hmmmm now thats a question.
 and by the way where should i handel the HgCl2 any way if not at the home. i have no where to go. dont know if the lokal lab would rent me their lab for a coupel of houers.
(Hive Bee)
11-04-03 21:43
No 468760
      And again:     

I know that u need HgCl2 for certain reaktion.
Forget it. Try another reaktion. Dont use HgCl2.
This will be to dangerous in pharmaceutical home production. Ok, reaktion looks very easy, but dont use HgCl2 please. I ll speak in the name of all who ll try your home-made stuff.
There are so many easy and useful methods to prepare drugs.

And again: Hg and all of its salts are exremly noxious.
Dont try this at home!!!!
11-04-03 21:50
No 468764
      dont worey i have to use the HgCl2 in the...     

dont worey i have to use the HgCl2 in the Nitromethane Al/Hg its just 400mg of it. its not much or lethal.
its 400mg HgCl2 dissolved in 750 mL of lab grade MeOH.
its not lethal or dangeres well yes for me making the stuff HgCl2 its dangeres but il be fine.
ya se i need it.
11-05-03 02:31
No 468809
      500mg HgCl2 has shown to be lethal in humans...     

...so you may want to be a little more careful when working around that dangerous metal.  While I don't know how careful you are, assuming that 400mg of mercuric chloride is not lethal is not the right approach to handling that substance.

Jizzy Jizzy Bang Bang
(Hive Bee)
11-05-03 16:56
No 468932
      HgCl2 confusion?     

Swim was under the impression, from reading previous posts and on ../rhodium, that synthing Hgcl2 from Hg is a relatively easy process? Or is he mistaken....

Obviously Hg is highly toxic and should not be touched except with proper gloves, but what other precautions are there, apart from excessive heating in an open container?

Any safety tips will be greatly appreciated as Swim is confused
11-05-03 17:13
No 468934

It's best if mercury isn't ingested, as it is toxic, mercuric chloride is more toxic than many other such compounds. It's made rather easily, and since this subject is rather well covered here, it's time to start using the search engine, instead of posting redundant questions wink

Chemistry is our Covalent Bond
11-05-03 22:02
No 468975
      i know how leathal and dangeres it is i dint...     

i know how leathal and dangeres it is i dint sead that 400mg is not leathal it is. but i was just sayein that the 400mg of HgCl2 nedded in al\Hg nitromethane is not leathal for the final product thats all. 
 .I have respect for Hg i know as soon as you lose respect for it you will become careless and dull and maybee dead please dont think of me as some braindead fool that thinks its easy makin HgCl2 found at rhodiums page because i am not.thx.  smile
11-07-03 04:34
No 469310
      no offense but you obviously dont know a god...     

no offense but you obviously dont know a god damned thing about mercury salt preperation or its elemental form. If you did you wouldn't be asking you turn your magic "silver mercury powder" back into liquid!
(Hive Bee)
11-07-03 06:56
No 469364
      I once..     

Where I work I get to talk to a lot of strange folks,
one of the strangest is this woman who, according to her,
suffered extreme mercury poisoning as a young girl...
I talked to her for about 30 minutes before my desire to
work with mercury ever again diminished to nil...

It's one thing to be physically damaged, it's quite another
to be intellectually damaged.

over and under, then back to the start
this sidewalk's bottom is the same as its top