superman (Hive Bee)
04-30-04 17:08
No 504008
      legitimate calcium hypophosphite uses?     

anyone know any uses?   google and various MSDS's have revealed nothing except making hypophosphorous acid, lol.   now if i recall correctly plating compounds frequently advertise low calcium so that's not an option.
05-01-04 16:55
No 504181
      Treat your eyes, and make dessert!     

Stabilising unstandardised dessert mixes, homeopathic remedy for conjunctivitis, treatment of acute hypophosphataemia in cattle. No practical uses that i can find...
(Hive Bee)
05-03-04 04:55
No 504493
      Keep looking.     

Theres info out there, you just need to keep looking.
I actually did try and find you something juicy, but im pretty scattered so i have given up in favour of tv.
However...I did find this piece of information which makes me feel proud to be australian.

The practice of using hypophosphorous acid in methamphetamine production is believed to have begun in the United States in the late 1990s when a methamphetamine producer in Colorado obtained the recipe from Australia, where the hypophosphorous acid method is prevalent.
This man was known as a serial cook who had a long history of methamphetamine production. Over several years he trained other laboratory operators in Colorado to produce methamphetamine using hypophosphorous acid.
As his techniques were passed on to others, the number of methamphetamine laboratories in Colorado using hypophosphorous acid continued to increase, and the technique was passed on to numerous methamphetamine producers in other states.

I'm a diamond that is tired, of all the faces i've aquired.