brulaheliko (Stranger)
06-23-04 03:22
No 514867
      Prescription N2O tank fittings?     

So if a person maybe found a bottle of prescription nitrous oxide from the US that is definitely full and cannot get it open because there is no fitting or regulator on the bottle, just this rectangular plug with a bolt thing in the top, what would be the best way to find out how to open it?
Its definitely a USP bottle, thats all that is known.
Any references or advice would be a life saving venture.  (perhaps literally)

06-28-04 20:10
No 516038
      get a regulator, or else it could shoot accros     

get a regulator, or else it could shoot accros the room when you try to tap it

Some people may be on the road to nowhere with drugs, but at least they're taking the scenic route!
07-09-04 20:36
No 518411
      that kind of goes without saying.     

that kind of goes without saying. Im not THAT new. I was more wondering where a good place to start looking for one might be.
07-10-04 03:56
No 518473
      Ebay acquisition...     

To be perfectly honest, I think you may be able to find what your loking for on ebay. I know its relatively unconventional, but one can find alot of good quality equipment on ebay.
IIRC, I have seen regulators for sale in the past. They were destined for industrial sized helium tanks, but the potential is there nevertheless. If you become really desperate, you can try international ebay auctions and hope for the best. Failing that, just find a local gas distributor and ring their customer service number.
If you feel confident, visit the premises and ask to speak to a technician. Good luck!

Submission eases suffering!
07-10-04 18:12
No 518559
      yay for dumpster diving!     

don't forget your local junkyard... or your dead grandma's house(if she was on oxygen)

Some people may be on the road to nowhere with drugs, but at least they're taking the scenic route!
(Title on BackOrder)
07-10-04 18:14
No 518560
      just go to a welding supply store     

I'm pretty sure the regulators for those tanks have the same common thread size as CO2 and helium bottles.  Just use a micrometer and measure the thread size you are looking for, and then go ask them if they have any regulators in stock for it.  If they ask, just tell them you think it's a CO2 tank, but you're not sure because it's for your boss at some restaurant.

skeed pills
(Hive Bee)
07-10-04 20:19
No 518573

Regulators are designed so that they won't interconnect with a dissimilar gas cylinder.  The regulator for the medical grade nitrous oxide cylinder is probably not one of the common inert gas regulators.

I think it will be easily acquired, but probably expensive.

The hippies I knew once upon a time used to just open the valve into a garbage bag, then stick their heads in the bag.

Crazy hippies.
(Stoni's sexual toy)
07-11-04 17:12
No 518700
      N2O is an oxidiser which is being used in...     

N2O is an oxidiser which is being used in hybrid rocketry. You might be able to get the appropriate regulators from them. Or maybe not since they use denatured N2O and it's possible that they use different thread sizes too. Apart from the fact that these people all seem to have too much money and don't mind spending shitloads of it for their equipment, so a regulator for a model rocket filling station might be pretty expensive.
SpaceshipOne uses N2O as oxidiser and a rubberlike polymer as the fuel. A regular inert gas regulator might contain the very same rubber material in its seals and gaskets, that's why you need to get one which is suitable for oxidiser use.

BUSH/CHENEY 2004! After all, it ain't my country!
07-15-04 20:18
No 519615
      thanks guys. I did already know it was not the     

thanks guys. I did already know it was not the same inert gass fittings for C02 et cetera. i did check ebay and all i found was an entire medical/dentistry regulator system with oxy tank for a nice sized chunk of change. Thanks for the rocketry lead are the man if i must say it myselfwink
thanks again everyone,
07-29-04 02:35
No 522333

I know this thread is old now but, dude take a baloon wrap it around the whole on the ss top, get a pair of vice grips and turn. Done it a million times. kinda tricky at first, just make a good seal with the balloon.

here comes sunshine
08-04-04 00:22
No 523473
      are you sure?     

I dont mean any disrespect, but are you sure? Its seems so easy. too easy. i will feel very silly if that is all that needs be done. and what do you mean by "the whole in the ss top"? i just wanna make sure i understand completely, and thanks again, everyone.

(Hive Bee)
08-04-04 00:56
No 523486
      I think he's talking about cross threading a...     

I think he's talking about cross threading a non-conpatable regulator on the tank fitting using a balloon as a gasket/seal.

If that's the case;
I leave whether or not that's a good idea up to you.

it's not
08-09-04 23:02
No 524472

i realize this thread is old i should have checked back earlier. What is that a 20lb tank? Should be a stainless steel head. There is a piece on the top of the head, that turns, get vice grips clamp em on and turn, nos will spray out, put a balloon over the whole, you gotta kinda seal it by wrapping it back, have one person hold the balloon, one person turn the valve, is kinda tricky to do it by yourself, but believe me suck enough hippy crack and youll find a way lolcrazy ive done it a million times...seriously if its the type of nos tank i sucked a million of already, maybe puritan bennet, that would vary depending on your location i would think. Only type i ever seen anyway. Also please dont "huff" the gas. Nitrous should be taken in hits remembering to breathe in fresh oxygen, between "hits" all huffin does is cause oxygen deprivation.

here comes sunshine
08-12-04 04:40
No 524947
      thank you     

thank you tone. The nitrous doesnt even exist and wouldnt necessarily be for consumption, but i feel rather silly, thats pretty fuckin easy. Well fear of the unknown and all that... thank you
08-13-04 01:09
No 525118
      Understood. Bee good, and bee safe.     

Bee good, and bee safe.

here comes sunshine