oxygen ( )
09-03-98 20:13
No 99418
      antranyl acid from phtal.anhydr.?  Bookmark   

Here is industrial method for antranyl.acid:
phtal. anh.  + NH3(aq) -> phtalamin.acid
phtalamin. acid + NaOCl -> antranyl.acid
Is it useful for laboratory?

09-04-98 03:07
No 99420
      Re: antranyl acid from phtal.anhydr.?  Bookmark   

I think Oxygen is talking about anthranilic acid.  One of my favorite precursors. 

Oxygen, would you post more details on this??


09-04-98 03:32
No 99421
      Re: antranyl acid from phtal.anhydr.?  Bookmark   

The reactions are already in my Quaalude FAQ. The only difference is that it uses OBr- instead of OCl- for the final reaction. Compare with the hofmann reaction in Eleusis Methylamine FAQ, and you have a complete OTC synth for anthranilic acid.

Could somebody help me work out the synthetic details for the NaOCl + phtalimide => anthranilic acid reaction? Cheapskate?

09-25-98 03:55
No 99422
      Re: antranyl acid from phtal.anhydr.?  Bookmark   

Is phthalic anhydride OTC??? What is it used in.  I've looked around and haven't found it.  This sounds like an interesting reaction to pursue.
09-25-98 10:21
No 99423
      Re: antranyl acid from phtal.anhydr.?  Bookmark   

Naphtalene can be oxidized to phtalic acid with sulfuric acid with catalytic mercury sulfate. The anhydride forms on heating of the di-acid.

Are we making quaalude from earth, wind & fire yet? 

09-25-98 22:16
No 99424
      Re: antranyl acid from phtal.anhydr.?  Bookmark   

I'm getting closer, I just finished working out the route using polyphosphoric acid and have found a way to maximize yield.  Using wind to evaporate, fire to heat, water to force crystalization, the earth part is hard.
( )
09-30-98 02:08
No 99425
      Re: antranyl acid from phtal.anhydr.?  Bookmark   

Graebe,Rostowzew, Ber._35_, 2747(1902)
with NaOCl -> _Yield=95%_
(Hive Bee)
11-19-02 23:06
No 381317
      ?  Bookmark   

does anybody know about this?  viable?  (procedure maybe?)
(Chief Bee)
11-20-02 00:11
No 381349
      Anthranilic Acid from phtalic anhydride  Bookmark   

As I said above, the procedure is already on my page, see the section Method 2: Anthranilic Acid from phtalic anhydride in the document at ../rhodium /quaalude.html