foxy2 (Hive Addict)
07-23-01 08:23
No 198346
      Bromoacetone  Bookmark   

Maybee somebee has a use for this.
I found this somewhere.
This guy has some funny comments "Don't put this in someones eyes, Hehehecrazy

Bromacetone is a strong lacrimator or tear gas, in stronger concentrations it is also a nerve gas. This chemical is not very difficult to synthesize. In its purest form one only needs acetone, water and bromine. A very small amount of strong acid is also needed, we can use concentrated sulphuric acid.

First we mix water and acetone in equal amounts. Then the sulphuric acid is added and mixed Afterwards we add a little bromine and mix. After the brown color of the reaction`s vessel is gone, we add more bromine. And so on. Soon we can see a second layer in the reaction vessel, on the bottom is the heaviser bromacetone.

CH3COCH3 + H2O + H2SO4 +Br2 => CH3COCH2Br

Now we can stop the reaction. We have synthesized some bromacetone, and we don`t need much. There is no reason for making more bromacetone than we can use at once, because it is not very stable. After a time it decomposes and becomes black.

Bromine is a dangerous chemical, and it is difficult to bay. Bromine on the skin gives terrible wounds. So it is better to synthesize bromacetone without bromine. Thus we can use potassium bromide and a very strong hydrogen superoxide instead of bromine.

We mix acetone and water and some sulphuric acid as before. Then we ad some potassium bromide and mix well till we get a clear solution. Then we add some superoxide and the solution becomes brown. After the brown color has vanished, we add more hydrogen superoxide. When a small amount of bromacetone has made a second layer on the bottom of the reaction vessel, we can stop the reaction.

CH3COCH3 + H2O + H2SO4 + KBr + H2O2 => CH3COCH2Br

Warning: Never put bromacetone directly in someone`s eyes!

Do Your Part To Win The War
(Stoni's sexual toy)
07-23-01 08:26
No 198347
      Re: Bromoacetone  Bookmark   

When will this shit ever die???? Sigh.
Well, at least you didn't post it on the newbee board...

Bromoacetone is NOT for bees. Period.
(Chief Bee)
03-20-02 17:34
No 285561
      Disclaimer  Bookmark   

"Warning: Never put bromacetone directly in someone`s eyes!" <- Hahaha!
(Hive Prodigy)
03-20-02 17:43
No 285568
      Not For Bees  Bookmark   

Os, who are you to make that decision?

POCl3 is very dangerous, too, but I don't see anyone banning formylations using it. There are talks of using H2S to reduce ephedrine in the Meth forum, but no one says, "No, you're not allowed." on that issue either. Same goes with using cyanide salts to make nitriles, and Rhodium even has documents on  making NaCNBH3 using in situ cyanide gas.

I don't think bromoacetone is half as bad as any of these things, honestly. Let the information be posted. Someone just might find it useful or interesting, like me.


Vivent Longtemps La Ruche!
(Chief Bee)
03-20-02 18:42
No 285618
      Decisions  Bookmark   

The only use for bromoacetone we had seen when Os posted that was its use in the VERY low-yielding friedel-craft alkylation of benzenes - simply not worth the effort for anyone - but now with what Antoncho found it seems like the exactly same reagents may be used in a much higher-yielding grignard reaction.

Some discussions should be repressed/discouraged (not censored) just to protect bees against themselves - make 100mg of bromoacetone yourself and see why its use is impending doom without an excellent fume hood.
(Hive Prodigy)
03-20-02 19:14
No 285642
      Dangerous  Bookmark   

I don't doubt for a second that it is dangerous/painful to make this chemical, and I wasn't aware this was a really old post. All I meant to say was that it seemed like a little more than discouraging was going on, more like forbidding/suppressing the topic.


Vivent Longtemps La Ruche!
(Hive Bee)
03-20-02 20:43
No 285676
      Post deleted by Rhodium  Bookmark   

(Hive Bee)
03-20-02 22:16
No 285732
      Rhodiums Dare  Bookmark   

Oh yeah if anyone wants to accept Rhodiums Dare :


Bromacetone was the most widely used tear gas during the Great War and one of the most effective. It produces intolerable irritation of the eyes in concentrations of 0.01 mg/l and in heavy concentrations can be lethal while the liquid form produces extremely painful blisters on the skin. It was first used by the Germans in artillery shells and mortar bombs under the name 'B-Stoff' in 1916, it was then adopted by the French as 'Martonite' and British and American forces as 'BA'. It was abandoned by the Germans and British by the end of 1916 since its manufacture required acetone , which was required for other purposes considered more vital. The French and American armies mixed it with chloracetone and continued to use it throughout the war.

This shit is so simple any idiot can make it.
But not any idiot will be able to handle it
properly.  So use this material with caution
(and a chem suit and gas mask).

Oh yeah and to "win" you have to take 100 Mg.
Prize to bee anounced at a later date. wink

Seig Heil Uber Allies !