cheeseboy (Hive Bee)
01-14-02 16:58
No 256469
      scaling up with moles & ml's  Bookmark   

Cheese is confused about the whole "mol' thing.How do you scale up a rxn when moles are used, of course moles are the proper way to measure chems cheese knows, but in reference to the MD-P2P from Oxone synth, they say to use 100mmol of iso-safrol (16.2g) ,200mmol of Oxone(72.7g) 290mmol Sodium Bicarbonate (24.4g) and the liquids are in ml's How do you scal this up if you want to start off with100g iso-safrol? Anyone?

May The Source Bee With You....Always.
(Hive Bee)
01-14-02 17:11
No 256480
      Re: scaling up with moles & ml's  Bookmark   

100 mmol is .1 moles, thus to scale up to one mole, you multiply by 10 smile
(Hive Bee)
01-15-02 19:28
No 256961
      Re: scaling up with moles & ml's  Bookmark   


May The Source Bee With You....Always.