hypo (Hive Bee)
02-13-02 12:46
No 269046
      easy way to BOx style amphetamines?  Bookmark   

1) dissolve 1-(X-phenyl)-2-propene in excess MeOH and gas with Cl2 at 0°C to get 1-methoxy-1-(X-phenyl)-2-chloro-propane (maybe Na2CO3 to catch H+ and remove Cl- as NaCl?)
2) finkelstein with NaI in acetone
3) NH3 in bomb

is this feasible or total bullshit?
one would get 2 out of 3 possible stereoisomers, right?
(Stoni's sexual toy)
02-13-02 12:56
No 269053
      Re: easy way to BOx style amphetamines?  Bookmark   

You will add two chlorines across the double bond, not just one.

I'm not fat just horizontally disproportionate.
(Hive Bee)
02-13-02 13:01
No 269056
      Re: easy way to BOx style amphetamines?  Bookmark   

but why? according to my o-chem book the chloronium ion is intercepted by the nucleophilic MeOH (excess!) which adds to the more electro positive C, which is the one at the ring. they only say it works with H2O, but why not MeOH??
(Stoni's sexual toy)
02-13-02 13:05
No 269057
      Re: easy way to BOx style amphetamines?  Bookmark   

Ooops! I overlooked that 1-MeO thingy!

Well, don't know.

I'm not fat just horizontally disproportionate.
(Chief Bee)
02-13-02 15:05
No 269087
      Re: easy way to BOx style amphetamines?  Bookmark   

Why not do it like in Pihkal? Addition of sodium methoxide to the phenylnitropropene?
(Hive Bee)
02-13-02 15:12
No 269089
      Re: easy way to BOx style amphetamines?  Bookmark   

because it's less otc and some people might have a phenyl propene which they have no use for...
(Chief Bee)
02-13-02 15:14
No 269090
      Re: easy way to BOx style amphetamines?  Bookmark   

The phenylpropene is turned into the nitropropene via the pseudonitrosite route, and sodium methoxide is definitely OTC with what Antoncho has posted recently.
(Hive Prodigy)
02-13-02 15:20
No 269092
      Re: easy way to BOx style amphetamines?  Bookmark   

Plain phenylpropene you say? No use you say? Wanna bee my new best friend? Try the photoamination of olefins with ammonium iodide catalyst, PTC, and a Xenon flash lamp, and report yields. smile


The Water Will Be Your Only Mirror
(Hive Bee)
02-13-02 15:22
No 269093
      Re: easy way to BOx style amphetamines?  Bookmark   

yeah ok, but for the pseudonitrosites you need NaNO2 which is not available everywhere, so make that from NaNO3. the NaOMe has to be made and the resulting nitropropane has to be reduced (how?). otoh, getting some practice with pseudonitrosites may not be that bad.
(Hive Bee)
02-13-02 15:23
No 269094
      Re: easy way to BOx style amphetamines?  Bookmark   

pp: no plain phenylpropene. tongue