Antoncho (Official Hive Translator)
04-22-03 08:10
No 428576
      Determining composition of fabric conditioners...  Bookmark   


Well... The subject line says it all, i guess.

Recently SWIM decided to make several experiments with Turkish blend 'Dosya'. Water was successfully evap'ed on waterbath w/drauht leaving transparent yellow mass that solidified in freezer, but never crystallized.

Moreover, when a wash w/xylene was attempted, it all easily dissolved!

WTF? The content table says 'cationic surfactants' (that is, quat ammonium salts) - but AFAIK, they shouldn't bee very soluble in nonpolars, right?

And another question of yet more importance - what happens when one adds a quat ammonium salt to a strong alkali? Aren't tertiary amines supposed to form (which can bee determined by their smell?) Does it happen at RT?

If yes, then, obviously, none of the two braands SWIM's tested thus far, had any quats in it...

Please, help!

(martha stewart's little bitch)
04-22-03 14:05
No 428630
      PTC in fabric softener  Bookmark   

I assume this is PTC-related as in
Post 427515 (moo: "OTC fabric softener phase transfer catalysts", Novel Discourse),
could you try to compare results with any of those fabric
softeners? I recognize at least two of the brand-names in
the table. Happy hunting Antoncho!

(believe it or not, this is VERY interesting for me!)

Hate is cheap, but love is
(Hive Bee)
04-22-03 14:37
No 428639
      PTC decomposition  Bookmark   

And another question of yet more importance - what happens when one adds a quat ammonium salt to a strong alkali? Aren't tertiary amines supposed to form (which can bee determined by their smell?) Does it happen at RT?

On addition of NaOH R4N+ X- will form R4N+ OH- at RT.

Quat ammonium salts decompose when heated at ~100-110°C.
(Hive Bee)
04-22-03 15:38
No 428660
      I've understood that N-ethylated quats are...  Bookmark   

I've understood that N-ethylated quats are degraded by alkali much faster than those with only longer alkyl chains.