05-17-04 19:34
No 507724
Formalin to para-formaldehyde polymerization?
Formalin to para-formaldehyde polymerization?
how to do. acid, base, distill, heat, chill.....? thanks bees.
(Chief Bee)
05-17-04 21:06
No 507742
Formaldehyde polymerization
Formaldehyde polymerization is acid-catalyzed and takes place spontaneously (with the evolution of heat) in aqueous solutions. Commercial formalin solutions contains methanol as a polymerization inhibitor, so I assume you need to remove it somehow.
The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders
05-18-04 03:17
No 507816
thats a start!
Cool, now I know it is acid catalyized. I guess one could try hitting it with a bunch of aqueous HCL and see what happins. Any bee have any other thoughts?