(Über-Führer die Ironie)
10-19-04 16:27
No 536608
      e-book: Gattermann, Pract. Meth. Org. Chem
(Rated as: excellent)

Since so many great books have been posted lately, I hope this have not been posted bee-4. I didn't want to link directly to the source so I uploaded it here...

The Practical Methods of Organic Chemistry

Ludwig Gattermann, 1909

(Hive Bee)
10-19-04 16:39
No 536611
      4th issue? Oh...     

Yes, the Gattermann is indeed a classic and must-read, comparable to Vogel's or Zubrick...

But the translation you provided is rather old (4th issue); I have the 43th issue, and I bet it still isn't the newest! Unfortunately no english translation but the german original text. And the file size is about 10MB.

Therefore I would upload it only if someone claims interest, else the space seems wasted to me.

(Hive Bee)
10-21-04 14:23
No 536951
      43th issue uploaded
(Rated as: excellent)

As I was just asked to send the (german) 43th issue of above e-book to a bee via PM, I thought "hm - since it is uploaded anyway, I can as well make it accessible to everyone..."

So, here it is (unnfortunatly ze boock iz auf deutche wink):

Gattermann/Wieland: Die Praxis des Organischen Chemikers
(43th issue; De Gruyter, New York 1982)

(Pages 1-390)

(p. 391-779)

(I had to split it due to the file size being more than the max. allowed 10MB - but if you like, you can re-join them using a freeware tool like pdftk (linux) for example...)
