chem_123 (Hive Addict)
10-24-04 22:18
No 537506
      THC A/B re: post [26025]     

if THC does not react to A/B reactions, what about leaving the THC in the solvent and removing the extra crap and impurities that followed the THC with an A/B reaction? i.e. the a-typical brown or green color that the oil is associated with, and any other impurities? then sep. off the crap, and evap the solvent, bingo left with the desired oil?

SWIM doesn't have the merck index or access to there an online reference?

which is the solvent of choice? (that is easily evaporated?)

Will mushrooms be a target organic that will work in this procedure as well?
(Hive Bee)
10-25-04 05:46
No 537606

Perhaps column chromatography is the way to go here...

(Hive Addict)
10-25-04 22:05
No 537760
      get out all the baddies...     

SWIM'd like to isolate the thc from the other baddies that follow when an isopropyl alcohol extraction is done.  Is there a better solvent that can bee used? that is just as easily evaporated? (i.e. ethanol, etc.)? or another method that can bee used without using chemical glassware/equipment?
(Hive Addict)
10-25-04 22:44
No 537767

this post is fairly complex, and involves some reasoned/analytical thinking...please read carefully:

After reading:

../rhodium /otc.solvents.faq

SWIM is left confused...

5) What are polar and non-polar solvents?

A:  The easy answer:  Polar solvents dissolve substances that are
    water soluble, but do not dissolve oily substances.  Non-Polar
    solvents dissolve oily substances, but do not dissolve water
    soluble substances
.  Moderately polar solvents have a tendency to
    dissolve both types of substances.  Petroleum distillates are
    non-polar, alcohols are moderately polar, and water is polar.

conclusion: Petroleum distillate is a non-polar solvent (i.e.butane, pentane, hexane, etc.) which dissolves oily substances only.

6) What is the advantage of using a polar (or non-polar) solvent?

A:  The advantage is that you are able to dissolve what you are
    after, leaving behind the things you don't want.  (e.g. petroleum
    ether will dissolve cannabinoids but leave behind chlorophyll and sugars.  Alcohols and acetone will dissolve cannabinoids,
    chlorophyll and sugars.)

conclusion: butane, hexane, pentane, etc. will dissolve cannabinoids (oily substance), and leave chlorophyll, and sugars behind (watery substance)...

found in marijuana, the psychoactive stuff
    prop: bp 200 C @ 0.02mm Hg (other cannabinoids may have bp's
        lower than 185 C)
    sol: polar solvents, acetone, alcohols, etc.
    note: this is an oily substance, not water soluble

According to the last MSDS here, the final conclusion would be that THC is either not a cannabinoid (as it says it's soluble in a polar solvent), or it is, and it's also soluble in non-polar solvents, or something is screwy SWIM correct? or is SWIM the thing that's screwy here?

(Hive Bee)
10-25-04 23:59
No 537782
      must be a typo..     

I don't know why it states that THC should be water-soluble. All I know is that its soluble in slightly polar solvents like acetone and alcohols and very soluble is nonpolar solvents.

Even if THC was water soluble, you can still extract it with a solvent that is water-immiscible has a greater solving capability for THC. Because the cannabioid likes nonpolar solvents a lot more than others, it will migrate into the nonpolar if there is any.

See also Post 453799 (Rhodium: "Theory of Extraction", Newbee Forum) for how substances are partitioned between the different solvents when being extracted.

As a side note, butane/propane doesn't work for liquid extractions, at least not very well crazy - but you can use them to extract THC from dry plant matter, preferably under pressure to keep the solvent liquid (both propane and butane are gases at room temp.). And neither of them will extract any chlorophyll or sugars, just the goodies. At least from what I've heard. smile

(Chief Bee)
10-26-04 00:16
No 537785
      advanced inattentiveness     

Are you blind? The quoted solubility reads as follows:

sol: polar solvents, acetone, alcohols, etc.
note: this is an oily substance, not water soluble

Hence THC is soluble in all solvents except water - it is more soluble in polar solvents, but is is better to use more of a non-polar solvent and get pure THC than to use a smaller amount of a more polar solvent and co-extract a lot of crap.

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders
(Hive Bee)
10-26-04 14:46
No 537903
      advanced confusion..     

Isn't water commonly called a polar solvent?
I guess his confusion derived from THC being soluble in "polar solvents" seen in connection with it being "not water soluble", which is indeed inconsistent.

It should be called "soluble in all polar solvents, except water"

10-28-04 11:41
      why yes
(Rated as: redundant)
11-12-04 07:32
      about mushrooms...
(Rated as: UTFSE!)
(Hive Bee)
11-12-04 13:32
No 541279
      so simple...     

ipa disolves sugar, chlroraphil, thc, cbd, cbn,...
ether only disolves thc, cbd, cbn,...
that should answer all ?'s. no need for an A/B when making oil.

Don't you think if I had something intelligent to say, it would bee in my post?
(Hive Addict)
11-12-04 13:57
No 541282
      Merck index says that chlorophyll a and b are...     

Merck index says that chlorophyll a and b are all well soluble in ether, an absorption maximum is stated for chlorophyll d in ether so it obviously is soluble, but chlorophyll c is practically insoluble in it.

Or do you mean petroleum ether? I hope you know the difference... Please don't give advice if you don't know what you are talking about.

fear fear hate hate