up247365 (Stranger)
08-15-03 23:04
No 453869
      What can be done with burned E???  Bookmark   

Is there anything wrong with accidentally burning my E?? What will happen if anything if I use it the same as normal and also, why does it turn all sticky and carmel looking when it gets burned??
(Hive Bee)
08-15-03 23:20
No 453870
      YUM  Bookmark   

It is all sticky and caramel looking because you failed to remove all of the adulterants/pill filler...

Most likely sucrose will give you that appearance..

Try dissolving what you got in some hot Dh20 and then zapping it with a super saturated NaOH solution to ppt. any viable chicken feed left.

(Hive Bee)
08-16-03 00:16
No 453878
      cotton candy  Bookmark   

dude, you fucked up! have you ever seen burnt cotton candy? if you have, did you eat it?
(Hive Bee)
08-16-03 07:12
No 453914
      You can try to do a a/b on it I guess when you  Bookmark   

You can try to do a a/b on it I guess

when you burn it you damage the structure of it
08-17-03 02:04
No 454077
      It's been my experience that recovering any...  Bookmark   

It's been my experience that recovering any usable product from feedstock that is burnt to the state of being black and solid(or soon therafter will be)is not possible. I found that there were changes in expected properties when trying to salvage some that suggest to me that indeed there is changes on a molecular level that aren't necessarilly beneficial(read_ 'fucks it right up'.)Recently I did a few small tests with some very black and crispy solids and found it would not dissolve in H20, or a basic solution, thought it was noted that fizzing occurred when it contacted the base. It was moderatly soluble in acetone but needed encouragement by grinding the solids to finer particles.
A test small chunk of black was tossed into a hypophosphorous/I2 reduction and remained a small black chunk throughout to be collected unchanged at rxn end.......so as I said it's my opinion that burning it is counterproductive and probably not something one should become good at :)
Now that's only for black type burnt, anything leading up to this ie; tan, brown, golden sahara or whatever you want to call it, has travelled through the reduction without incident the couple of times I've tried it.
Ps. Of course when I did all this I fried the feedstock intentionally for the purposes of research, only a real dummy would accidentally do it, just wanted to clarify that!

Regards, Hematite.
(Hive Bee)
08-17-03 02:54
No 454084
      burnt E?  Bookmark   

There is this device called a trash can. Ain't what you need. YOU need the flushable wonder of a commode. Burned sudo is an aggravation. flush and be done with it. Retain the pain so you can avoid future mishaps...crazy

went astray yesterday on a hit o weed. I'm now here, and I fear, now I am on speed.