hellman (Soothsayer)
10-16-03 02:32
No 464955
      straight to B - hellman style  Bookmark   


time for me to give up the goods,.
I hope you all apppreciate this,.

Having an extra special love for chemistry, not politics of,,..(smile) I will drop you guys some help,.

This is particulary good information for Oz bees, who suffer comparitivly with only a small selection of remaining pills left to use,.

Here is what I know,.

Logicin, sudaphed,chemists and all the other single ingredient pseudo Hcl pills, are a part of yesteryear now, they can be had, but they are a hassle to get a good supply of, unless you like you or your associate, arn't camera shy,.

They're really remains only one good brand, as far as it goes for weight and ease,.
They're blue just like little smarties, and they're 12 hour 120mg,.If the the brand name was a true palandrome, then nizamed, would probably make alot more sence,.

I first played with these little fuckers, years back, always got a goo, but then again, i never really gave it that much thought,.

I revisted the play a few times after untill I noticed this,.

A loverly splashing of Dh20, covered the blue(hard as fuck) pills, and with a little wait of the clock, shall we say around 10 mins, a soaking did the blue wash away, leaving a brown/greyish 2nd coating, which tighly kept all the goodies inside, without water permeating, stange huh?.

From the moment, I did take those pills and refurnish them into more confortable abodes of a mortar and pestle, for the grinding, the grinding, oh, dear god, the grinding,...

They did crush, powderised(tm)as they were then drowned in the deepest of Dh20 again,.
Where upon the magic was taking place,.
This was left over night, at least 12 hours,.
-just water so far kids, just water,......

Upon awaking in the freshest of months, July, maybee earlier,
The jar glaringly remained there, lil' powder on the' bopom,.

to be continued


it's kind of like making it into a powder, but without powderising it,- if you know what I mean,
10-16-03 17:57
No 465087
      oh shit!  Bookmark   

Part two:

Did I happen to mention that i got good clean freebase cystals, without the use of any solvents except water,,.
I was suprised but I then again, persistence and patiencience always work well together,.
yes, so after part one of this story, we were left with.........

A jar of water with sediment on the bottom, and psuedo Sulphate in solution,
This was filtered to give a clear, yes clear, solution,.

From this 1 tablespoon of NaOH, with mixed into solution, then added to the jar of clear Pseudo laden water,.

Obviousl this was overkill, but it was to prove a point, (over basing damaging Pseudo)- (I don;t think so)

Over the next 24-48 hours the solution went from clear to orange to clear again,.
Exciting huh?

-before I go and leave you wait for the final saga, you must remember, that I got freebase crystals, opnly using water and lye,.

Is that possible?,   Yes.

to be continued

it's kind of like making it into a powder, but without powderising it,- if you know what I mean,
10-16-03 19:30
No 465099
      a little theory  Bookmark   

Just for a brief interlude, lets have a look at some theory, so we can be done with all these half assed assumption powered alternative methods,.
I have been watching you boys, the stb, the e-gull, the tce's, the japan driers,.
Honestly, and I mean this nicely,
"you guys haven't got a fucking clue what your up to?"
We don;t have to make this any harder than it has to bee!!"

I mean i would of thought by now that one the the REAL chemists would have helped this debaucherous stimulants forum,.Oh well,.
It all very, very simple,./
A solvent is a solvent, is a non-polar, is a non-polar,.
You know alot of the meth freaks here could learn alot from some of the other guys in the real chemistry forums,
It's funny, do you see then fucking around with exotic specific solvents, no,
The beauty is, that this is chemistry,.
Once you "understand" you will see how trivial this all is,,.
-here it is

What we want to do is firstly with any pill, get the pseudo released and into solution.
We essentially want to replicate the stomach in a jar,;
\luckily enough water will suffice to bring the Pseudo off.
Binders and gaks, seem to represent such a problem for bees, but I think this is solely and sadly due to the blindly followed mind set methodolgy and understanding of the chemical interactions:

Once the hcl, or the sulphate of pseudo is in solution(water), you can then filter out the crap(non-water sol.).
From here it is a matter of now removing the water soluable shit. So to do this we need to make the salt of pseudo not water soluable,( i know this is common knowldege, just bear with me, If you want a universal method then you better read on).
So we basify it, then extract with a non-polar solvent,
This is fine so far, alot of bees are doing this but it is not here where the trouble is, it is negotiating a way to removwe all the other ambi-polar adulterants, that want to also migrate into the non-polar,.As with E, you will notice that the bees always gass the product, if they didn't they also would end up with what you end up with,
Gooey shit,.
One simply removes the non-polar, blasts this withHCL gass, to find that you have a universal method that will work on every pill that exists,.

Handed with this knowledge, you would be unstoppable,.

A three step proceedure it would be called,
But it would need a name, we'll get to that later
Hellman's 3-step- hmm, not bad,.

So to end the theory section:
You all need to change your mind set, The gassing will isolate very pure Pseudo Hcl,.
A water pull, a strong base, non-polar solvent pull, then a gass,:

You will also find that your yield will increase, the longer you let the molecules migrate, and basify:
Leaving then overnight, the pulls, the washes that you woulkd normally throuw away, you will notice that there is product in there,.
If your not getting 70%+ yield then your technique needs to learn patience.

- to be continued

it's kind of like making it into a powder, but without powderising it,- if you know what I mean,
(Hive Addict)
10-16-03 20:08
No 465104
      What type of filter?  Bookmark   

The pills i have used won't filter when water is used as the solvent.  The filter becomes clogged after only a small amount has gone through.  how long did it take yours to filter?

It wasn't Me!
(Hive Bee)
10-17-03 08:13
No 465208
      ok Hellman I was willing to follow along until  Bookmark   

ok Hellman I was willing to follow along until I hit this:

Honestly, and I mean this nicely,
"you guys haven't got a fucking clue what your up to?"

Well Honestly, and I mean this nicely,
You havn't got a fucking clue what any of our backgrounds are!

Placebo, Dwarfer, Wareami, Geezmiester and Myself have more combined real world experience than you will ever have. This is not a race or popularity contest. You only show your ignorance (or age) with comments like this. We and many others have risked our freedom and sometimes our lives for a common goal which you trivialize with idiotic statements like that. You may have the greatest extraction method in the world, but your lack of humility will fuck you eventually...

Real Men Don't Preview Their Edits
10-17-03 09:55
      VideoEditor. Get over the age thing if your...
(Rated as: offending)
(Hive Bee)
10-17-03 10:27
No 465224
      What worked for me  Bookmark   

I performed the straight to E on what I believe were "red hots".  Got back a pink/red-tinted crystal mass which I then dissolved in water and basified with 2 molar equivalents of NaOH (using the calculated available pseudoephedrine from the number of pills).  Extracted with xylene (the solubility is low so it takes quite a bit of xylene) and then cooled the xylene to below 0C.  If crystallization did not occur after a few hours then stirring/swirling would get it started.  Wait for the crystals to settle and then decant the xylene back into basified solution for another extraction.  I seemed to get about 1g of beautifully architectured freebase pseudo crystals each extraction per 200ml of xylene doing this.
(Hive Bee)
10-17-03 11:43
No 465240
      whooaa...  Bookmark   

halfkast: I dont think my comments were directed at you but since you felt the need to vent thats cool, but I am curious about some of your comments. The age thing throws me. I was making a point about hellmans maturity not real age. How are you leaping to my age? Also if I have failed to answer one of your questions on Naptha or properly congradulate you on your naptha explanation I'm sorry I missed it. I felt my comment to hellman was clear and to the point and I stand by it. Maybee you should reread my post again a little slower, cause your takin it personaly and it wasnt even to you.

Real Men Don't Preview Their Edits
(Hive Bee)
10-17-03 18:04
No 465306
      Just rewards  Bookmark   

I deserved that.
I was just venting, and I didn't even mean any of it. Sorry, but paramount to accepting the apology is that you don't take any of it to heart.
I don't care at all about the naptha.

hellman your method won't work beecause the water you use to extract will hydrate and flare the hydrogel to capacity, causing quick blockage of the filter and low yields.

I'm all for taking your time and using enough solvents. S2B is a great method by the way, to get to the FB form.
It's universal as far as sulfates and hydrochlorides.

If the methods don't work anymore it's because we haven't kept them universal together.

You don't need 2 Bee High to follow the goings-on @The-Hive--Just Addikted!
10-17-03 18:56
No 465313
      Relax!  Bookmark   


When will you guys get it, I write like this, tongue in cheek, I have a great ol' chuckle, stepping on a few toes,.
Listen, i love you guys, and the underpinning of my fictional style is to help,.
I don't mean any harm, V.E.
Truth is though, is that you tried to re-invent the wheel, when you could of stood on the shoulders of what works,.
That's all,And by including other bees in your response, you are merlely dragging them down with you,. And if i wanted extra popularity, would you think I would say the things I say,.?hmm......?(smile),
P.s. Don't go mentioning what you think other bees know or have done, you might just get a suprise.
And i know that sometimes the truth is said in jest:
but not always,.(
Halfacast, yes, this does work, and I advise that this should be taken seriously,.

Filtering, now here's what i do,.

I buy a 100ml syringe barrel, and once the pseudo sulfate has been left over 12 hours, you firstly jam cotton wool into the syringe, as to act as the filter, then you again simly fill the barrel, and plunger it through,
trust me, this works, i had never seen FB crystals before, and they were impressive,.
I simply took that filter solution, added the lye, left for a few days, then evapourated in a test tube, where upon the crystals, collected on the edges,.

But this method is only to prove a point, you must use a non-polar, then gass,.

If you make the gassing unit from Hcl, and Cacl2, you can't go wrong,.

This is a universal cure, and it will end all the problems, for the next few years, maybee more,.
You will have purer crystals, and better yield,.

This is an offering to the hive collective, that is all.

Hellmans 3 step classic- will be the name, you guys do the write up, all the info's here.
\the end


it's kind of like making it into a powder, but without powderising it,- if you know what I mean,
10-17-03 19:10
No 465316
      oh yeh, ve,  Bookmark   

Humilty, humbleness is a plebian concept, induced by low self belief, and the need to fit into regime that paralizes your soul with fear cleverly disguised with anger and unindividualism. Hive logic sheep logic, go on, I don't mind, Speak out and tell how you really feel, i do,.
Because this is me, not a collection of preferences and limits that i am compelled to adhere to.

I am great, because i am me,

hellman- I guess you won't have a clue what i'm talking about, oh well,.

it's kind of like making it into a powder, but without powderising it,- if you know what I mean,
(Hive Bee)
10-19-03 05:07
No 465592
      Delusion of grandieur...  Bookmark   

"Humilty, humbleness is a plebian concept, induced by low self belief, and the need to fit into regime that paralizes your soul with fear cleverly disguised with anger and unindividualism."
delusion of grandieurcrazy Cleaning matchbooks the long way is a better use of time than wasting time reading stereotyped tweaker postings!  
"I am great, because i am me,"
Great=better than most=must mean greater than most other ppl= No your not. None of us "sheep" considered attempting your little "universal" PEGalating matrix activation, obviously.

"Listen, i love you guys, and the underpinning of my fictional style is to help"
If you really did believe in something you wouldn't sound so confused. You "love" us then you call all "plebian...sheep", well make up ya fukin mind because your fictional syle(aka random BSing intentionally making unclear what parts are BS) isnt anything anyone should be subjected to! WHAT HELPS IS BEING STRAIGHT FOWARD AND TO THE POINT.

"True love" is a thrill
Add a methyl group or two
Get it in a pill!
(Hive Addict)
10-19-03 06:20
No 465599
      And I quote.....  Bookmark   

A loverly splashing of Dh20, covered the blue(hard as fuck) pills, and with a little wait of the clock, shall we say around 10 mins, a soaking did the blue wash away, leaving a brown/greyish 2nd coating, which tighly kept all the goodies inside, without water permeating, stange huh?.

From the moment, I did take those pills and refurnish them into more confortable abodes of a mortar and pestle, for the grinding, the grinding, oh, dear god, the grinding,...

They did crush, powderised(tm)as they were then drowned in the deepest of Dh20 again,.
Where upon the magic was taking place,.
This was left over night, at least 12 hours,.
-just water so far kids, just water,......

Ibee has never seen or heard of a 12hr pill on the shelves today that are not comprised of the drymatrix formulation!
Therefore I must challenge the intent of this thread!
Ibee can't outright knock it since he hasn't tried it as outlined, but his skeptisizm is off the charts!
The other oddity here exists in the fact that Ibee hasn't worked with the sulfate form, just the hcl!
Instinct warns to proceed with caution, but not to outright knock it until it's been proven misinformation.
Remember that hellman is refering to a single specific brand.
Don't GO dipping just any 12hr pill in the pool unless you like gello for dessert!

Peace of the reaction


Common sense is genius dressed up in work clothes.
10-19-03 17:43
      ha Ha ha!!
(Rated as: insignificant)