E_Emperor (Stranger)
10-19-03 09:37
No 465624
      Can I do a rxn using HCI, Without RP?  Bookmark   

Hi, I was using TFSE and I read Biscuit2's Post: "Psuedo -> meth with only HI."
And I just wanted to ask some further Questions.

Without using Red Phos, can SWIM make Meth using only E, HCI, I.

Or from what SWIM can gather from Biscuit's Post, that I isn’t needed either if using this HCI method?

SWIM is/maybe going to make his Meth like this….

SWIM has:  3.5g E (very clean e, all ready pulled) Plenty of HCI, And if needed plenty of I.

SWIM is doing the rxn by placing ingredients into a Champagne Bottle, with a Balloon taped to the top of the Bottle, Soon as the HCI is added the Balloon will inflate. The rxn bottle is then placed in an electric frying pan which is filled with cooking oil. (with the rxn bottle slightly raised off the bottom).
SWIM will then Heat the frying pan to 150-160 degrees (is the temp right) and cook for about 2-4hrs and SWIM will give the bottle a swirl every now and to help the rxn.

SWIM, would like to verify the rxn time? And what is the best way to tell when the rxn is complete with this setup....? If the balloon starts to deflate, does this mean it’s complete? Or should SWIM ignore the Balloon, and look at the rxn process to see if it’s completed?

Then SWIM will do the Next Process:
SWIM has got a Proper Water Purifier/Steam Distiller, filled with 250m-500mls of Boiling water & 1-2 tsp sodium hydroxide, Which SWIM will make pH 14
SWIM is then going to add his completed rxn bottle contents into the Pre switched on Steam Distiller. The shit at the bottom, And the Honey to the top, where it is then cooled in the chamber and will drip out the spout. (as purified water and Meth)
SWIM, will then place a glass under the Spout of the Steam Distiller to catch the Honey” (hopefully plenty).

Then all SWIM has to do next is place his collected Liquid/Honey in a glass dish at room temperature to evap. Leaving Honey Crystals.

SWIM, has been taught this method of making honey, and he would like to know, if any Bees at the Hive have tried this method before?
What corrections and adjustments does SWIM need to make to the above?
SWIM would be Stoked for any pointers given.

SWIM would like to Thank you in advance for you advice.

Thanks, SWIM

I'm going to Stop putting things off!!!     Starting tomorrow!
(Chief Bee)
10-19-03 10:48
No 465640
      H3PO4 better than HCl  Bookmark   

No, that solution will be too dilute. A strong solution of KI or NaI in 85% H3PO4 might do the trick though.
10-19-03 13:56
No 465667
      Or Should SWIM just Source RP  Bookmark   

Cheers Rhodium, Or would SWIM, be better off if He just sourced some RP? And then could SWIM keep his exsisting formular & Method?
If So, RP is hard to source, SWIM has been told by friends to use Matchheads... But SWIM has read that you can get RP from the Striking Pads of Matchboxes?
And then soak the pads in Acetone- Which SWIM doesn't have. But SWIM has Methanol, Could he extract the Red Phos with that?
Or is SWIM wasting his time trying to get RP that way?
(Hive Bee)
10-19-03 14:21
No 465671
      a few pointers...  Bookmark   

If you don't want this early rxn to fail in providing clean product with reasonable yields, there lots of pointers. SWITs learned it all the hard way with bad yields and/or subpar quality.

Your rxn vessel is far too big for 3.5g. TP would be surprised if the solution even reached across the bottum of the bottle...hopefully you dont intend on making cake. Chemlabs have smaller flasks for good reason. Since the vessel is so large for such a tiny rxn (probably more appropiate for >35g rxns) the HI will probly spend more time as a gas while the solution dries out. More will get caught in the balloon, which will trap HI when its not inflated enough to stand up. A pepper shaker would be a more approiate vessel and would require a condensor, ghetto or otherwise. If the balloon inflates anywhere near its rating with O2 or He that is! it won't take long to blow up...that isn't exactly HDPE containing those condensing corrosive fumes. Put a few pieces of I2 on a balloon rubber and watch it eat a hole- case rested. A balloon is fine given that its on top of a condensor, NEVER the vessel itself! It should get minimal to no inflation if the condensor is good enough.The balloon should have a few layers to decrease the chance of unexpected breakage. If your swirling it while the thin flimsy balloon standing tall suddenly breaks w/out warning your screwed and everyone inc the DEA will figure out what caused those hospitalizing chemical burns. Safety first. SWITs been lucky in this regard.  

2-4hrs is way too short if you seriously meant 2hrs.<t<4 hrs. Subtract that minus sign and you got it right~ 24 hrs.

Make sure you have LOTS of ventilation out of the building. The joints will probably leak trace amounts and yes it will fill any unvented room with heavier-than-air caustic fumes. No legit chem lab even with their reliable real stuff lacks ventilation and protection requirements, esp with the more dangerous chems in such rxns.

If someone actually taught you this method they: a) don't follow the golden rule. b) Check thier honey quality/yield. Is this person's honey white-clear crystals, consistent throughout, flashed/recrystallized, burns zero noticeable residue, can feel something from just 20mg inc orally, etc...if not its not clean dope. If its tinted then know that its really not clean and barely passable for safe oral use!     

If you use H3PO4/KI check the method from Argox. If you don't your rxn might just get encrusted in potassium salts. Don't know for sure, but have seen enough reasons given not to do this.  Not to mention the temp requirements if you want a good result- those which would decompose your PFED.    
There is no easy way, no shortcuts. Some chems you just have to have and must be/made really clean too. effort in=effort out. You gotta know exactly what your doingwink

"True love" is a thrill
Add a methyl group or two
Get it in a pill!
(Hive Bee)
10-19-03 21:58
No 465709
      tp9s2K3 a most helpful post I'm sure.  Bookmark   

tp9s2K3 a most helpful post I'm sure.

E_Emporer, the cold hard truth is, you ain't gettin' high off swims homemade shiznit in time for xmas and NY's laughlaugh

Don't worry, there's probably about 100 others that had the same hope, beecause the membership shot through 5000 and way beyond.

SHORTY made a nice little mini-writeup on pre-preparing HI using KI and H3PO4 aswell as Argox's, it might bee less stressful for you following the former.
Basically you prepare a concentrated solution of Hydriodic acid, a red liquid in your reaction vessel, then add your clean pfed crystals and boil for 4hrs+.

SHORTY actually was told by this guy that the stuff produced using this method was almost as good as his hypophosphorous acid shit.
Anyway check out the post it rules.

Before doing that you'll need some phosphoric acid and KI or NaI so you can follow the instructions won't you? yes.

hydroponics or hardware store for the H3PO4. The hardware store ones will probably focus on rust removal, the hydroponics store will bee targeted at lowering the pH of their shit.
Choose a transparent or translucent bottle so you know its probably just an aqueous solution of the acid.
You might not find 85% solution, so you just boil it down in this case.

Anyway it isn't even too important, you will produce HI using it, and you can just boil the HI to concentrate it to 57%.

you need to convert your I2 to KI using potassium hydroxide (potash) or to NaI using sodium hydroxide.

You don't need 2 Bee High to follow the goings-on @The-Hive--Just Addikted!