8ball (Newbee)
10-22-03 02:21
No 466094
      TCE: Propellant.  Bookmark   

With the idea and e-gull methods of extraction do the cans of TCE have to have carbon dioxide as the propellant or is it ok to use hydrocarbon propellants. I realise in the notes it mentions carbon dioxide, but does not say it is a big no no to use with hydrocarbons as the prop.
(Hive Bee)
10-22-03 05:44
No 466118
      just use it  Bookmark   

No idea why ware said just CO2 propelling the perchlorehthylene, I've read it too.

I have my doubts about the embodiments "regathering" too. mate, why don't you boil the shit out of it... it won't make you go backwards thats all I know.

Use it, what you have is a high quality solvent, at worst it is diluted by another solvent that doesn't dissolve any of the unneeded components (i.e. everything except sudo)

Use the tetra as thugh it's xylene except a lot more powerful.

Are you sure the hydrocarbon propellent isnt CO2?
What is thye hydrocarbon propellent?

You don't need 2 Bee High to follow the goings-on @The-Hive--Just Addikted!
10-22-03 06:54
No 466130
      Just use it..  Bookmark   

All it said on the tin was. Propellant: Hydrocarbon.
Anyway after an hour or so of digging around the missus came up with a msds on it saying:  95- 100% Perch
                                   1-5% Carbon dioxide
under hazardous ingredients, and no mention of anything else so maybe it is co2 as prop. Cheers Halfkast, i'll give it a go go tomorrow and let yous know how i went.
(Hive Bee)
10-22-03 08:20
No 466137
      Well CO2 isn't a hydrocarbon.  Bookmark   

Well CO2 isn't a hydrocarbon.

Fuck yeah it should bee awesome man, good luck.
Just make sure you don't wash away any solids, I mean no "half/kinda maybee that bit is dissolved" throw aways.
If uncertain go around the second time with fresh solvent.

Catch everything that floats.

Ware prefers adding solvent straight to the solid powder, I prefer adding a little solvent to the beaker/jar, adding the powder and mixing to a concentrate, then adding the rest of the solvent, continuing to mix after addition.

You know how I learnt that? From making milo, a delicious chocolate drink and milk. smile
You can never get the shit to mix with the powder at the bottom! Especially with ice cream to complete with. cool

You don't need 2 Bee High to follow the goings-on @The-Hive--Just Addikted!
10-22-03 11:24
No 466158
      ssssshhhhhhhhh  Bookmark   

i will probably get hammered for this.

10-23-03 07:27
No 466303
      Well this is interesting!  Bookmark   

Well this is interesting, i decided to give it a go using the hydrocarbon as propellant with 40gm of  assorted generic 60mg tabs, so like the instructions say i put pills in blender for 5 mins then into mortar & pestle just to make sure no lumps left. I then transfer pill mass to beaker and poured tce over stirring and then let soak for maybe 2 mins then poured into filter and once liquid had nearly soaked through i lifted filter out sqeezing excess tce out of the mass helping to get rid of tce that had not quite finished filtering.Once this was done i placed the pill mass onto large piece of blotting paper to dry, about 20 - 30 mins. i then put pill mass into fine sieve and shook lettind the pill mass work its own way through, what was remaining in sieve was after close inspection was .52 of a gram of white flaky stuff that looked like big chunks of dandruff, but if you looked real close, i had a mgnifying glass the flakes are actually the pill casings as you can still read the stamped impressions on them, from the pills. cool hey. so at the moment i am just waiting for liquid to evaporate. but when i left there were only pinwheels on the side of dish forming so its looking good so far, touch wood.
(Hive Bee)
10-23-03 08:04
No 466306
      sounds fantastic  Bookmark   

Sounds like your destroying it bee.

pinwheel formations after a wash? Or did you add a bit of OH to the gup after the TCE had evaporated for a mini crystallisation?

Go for GOLD bee! cool

You don't need 2 Bee High to follow the goings-on @The-Hive--Just Addikted!
10-23-03 11:19
No 466337
      No OH..  Bookmark   

No i have'nt added anything except TCE and denatured, BUT ,when i went and had a look after the last post 2/3 had probably evaporated, enough for mix to thicken just a wee bit there looked like what i figured to be the poly's that were supposed to have gone in the first single filter, so i decided to give another quick filter before it thickened to much more so no worries that done and about 15 minutes later i had to do it again but it was a fair bit thicker by now so had to rinse through filter with about 20ml of denatured spirits, it's probably got about 15 - 20 mins to go before totally dry, but where it is thicker in the middle and also the edges where it is fairly dry it is still crystal clear and by the look of it crystallising. i have never seen this happen before. i will let know weight and everything else later.