auntyjack (Stranger)
01-07-04 23:19
No 480986
      Interesting crystals from waste solvent     

heres something funny...swiaj has a 5 litre bucket in which he has collected the sludge+solvent generated from weeks of mainly bungled pill extractions...this bucket is an horrible abomination apon the face of the earth...a multi-coloured seasame st moonscape made of every pill ingredient known to man and then some, under a crystal clear lake of very well near every pill extraction solvent known to man and get the picture...anyway, at 5 AM this morning a bright idea occured to swiaj...why not extract the solvent lake with trusty turkey baster........and evaporate it!!!...ha ha!! what an evil plan...ok, everything that went into the bucket was basified hcl's...god knows what the ph is about 105 C something droped out of solution...everything went cloudy and crystals started to form on the sides of the container...millions of little clear/white needles pointing every-which-way,and lots of them swiaj has only seen freebase crystal, as in little rhombuses(that's right isn't it?) so what the fuck does he have here??...they must be dirty if they are sudo 'cause they stick to the sides of the container, right??...swiaj has no idea as he's only been doing this for a month or so now...anyhow, thought someone might have an opinion or two on this...bye for now, have fun,

holy sheep shit!!
01-07-04 23:48
No 480995

Well, uh, do you have any way to you know find out what the
pH is??

Do dah cwystals dissolve in wa wa?

how bout np??


Mining the discard bucket is a proven technique, unless your dawg knocks it over, in which case the utility is
noted to be somewhat diminished...

Plus it creates a hazardouswaste pit behind your barn..

fucking damn yaller lab son of a bitch

(Hive Bee)
01-08-04 01:48
No 481015
      auntyjack! It's stabilised cellulose, because...     

auntyjack! It's stabilised cellulose, because it was heated in water. Or maybee there was just some water present when it was heated.
Keep that bucket don't throw it out.

give a clearer picture of the layers and where the blobs were, and where the crystals fell from...

dwarfer get back to the couch and bring ware back. Is it like this: Ware is the smartest, you are the 2nd dumbest, and Marvin is the dumbest?
01-08-04 02:59
No 481027

I tawt Ware evrythng he noze, and thenhe went and
lernt moreand strted riting funni and i just keep
gitting dumr and dumr.

i nvr saw selluloze do dat:they sounded likefweebaze criztls
to me but it wood be unlykly so??


butt i don' c how u no he was heatng wawa..??

under a crystal clear lake of very well near every pill extraction solvent known to man and beast.....anyway, at 5 AM this morning a bright idea occured to swiaj...why not extract the solvent lake with trusty turkey baster........and evaporate it!!!...ha ha!! .ok, everything that went into the bucket was basified hcl's...god knows what the ph is about 105 C something droped out of solution...

uthinkhe git wawa to 105C?? howso?  evrythng was basified HCl's?? whaddafuk?  whutmean dat? crystal clear lake extracted wit gobblerbaster??utink dat wawa??
cellulose inna Np?

Ushure Marvey dumbest?crazy

aniwy mi feeeellrs r allhurt and im goin way..frown

01-08-04 03:20
No 481032
      Marvin sayeth     

actually Geeze is the smartest, Ware the wackiest and most persistant, ahgreich has the current best process, and I've dropped off the scoreboard because of various undesireable localized environmental influences.


(Hive Addict)
01-08-04 03:21
No 481033
      Do the crystals dissolve in water?     

If not then you might have some freebase there.  Put them in a filter and pour dh20 over them several times and see how much of them stay in the filter without dissolving.

It wasn't Me!
01-08-04 03:37
      I was refering to the initial instance retard,
(Rated as: offending)
01-08-04 03:56
No 481042
      oh my!     

Lugh is on top of it again!  whaddaguy.  i got the unabridged copy in my mailbox. <tsk>

A new batch of baby bees, with no sense of humor.  oh well <SIGH>


whaddi tole him:

You know, i actually tried to respect your intelligence,
but it is so covered up with immature attitude,
that it is impossible.

Your user profile adequately demonstrates this fact.

Get a grip: make a contribution.  Quit poking yourself
in the eye.  Consider coming back with a new user name,
and use your intelligence to garner the respect you could


what shorty said is on the money.  I can infer what jack
is saying, but it is guesswork..

(Hive Addict)
01-08-04 08:07
No 481090
      Continue with the a/b     

What is there to lose?
The xtals that precipitated out are most likely laden with naoh from what is described.
The only way to tell what is there is to finish the a/b.

Peace of the RXN
(Of Counsel)
01-08-04 16:57
No 481175
      Dirty freebase     

I'd guess you have some dirty freebase crystals there. Collect them and recrystallize them. You might use Scottydog's method by dissolving in fresh, hot np, filtering, then reducing the np to saturation-- when it skins over-- and then let it cool to precipitate new crystals. Pour off the remaining solvent/motherliquor which is likely laden with all manner of nasty inerts, rinse the crystals with cool water, and see what you have.

You could also toss the crystals in a beaker with a few cm of boiling water. Take these off the hot plate when the surface fills with freebase crystals in boiling water. You will have the nice smell of lost pseudo in the air around you, I suppose, but the freebase crystals will be much cleaner and the water really nasty.

Interesting scrapping operation.

mostly harmless
01-08-04 20:43
No 481204
      sorry guys...too late...     

well, swiaj blew the fucking lot didn't's what happened...the liquid boiled down through various boiling points...hovered around 80 C for a while, then up to about 105 for a seemed to like lazing around 140 and finally decided it would like to sit at 180 or so as the last little bit of liquid dissapeared...this is when the trouble began...with 5 millimetres of liquid left in the pot swiaj decided to decant...mistake number 1...the pot is a burnt red/brown visionware saucepan and the olive oil used as a heating medium has turned dark red so swiaj didn't notice that the liquid was dark orange and as he tilted the pot the inch thick ring of crystals absorbed this mess turning horrible orange and there was much cursing and a gnashing of teeth...anyway, swiaj scraped off the crystals which were now mostly an orange mush and dried them a bit and sat around saying "oh fuck,"for a while...fatal mistake number 2!!...swiaj was sure that these were hcl crystals because they looked nothing like his freebase specimens...oh dear...he was so sure, that when he plonked them into some xylene to filter and collect them, he was silly enough to filter into a beaker of gakky crap so that when the FREEBASE(fucking cunty freebase!!) disoved in the xylene...bye bye crystals...all those hours of boiling...more sudo than swiaj has ever seen...gone in a matter of was a beautifull thing to watch the boil down...crystals forming on the side then all the crud condensing on the bottom...there is a technique in this somewhere...anyhow, swiaj thanks you all for pitching in...i understand more now...must learn my solubilities!! the way dwarfer...if i had the ph then i would have the ph...hope that makes sense...bye for now,

holy sheep shit!!
01-08-04 22:16
No 481226

??  In my opinion, though not direct experience, if you got that to 180C, you probably had nothing left worth dicking with.  For some reason I'm thinking that around 150 C you have trashed the opportunity for profit..??

You may think my criticism and childishness peurile, but your description to begin with was the source of a lot of confusion.  If you had said that the floating NP's were separated, or the water was separated...  anything..

01-08-04 22:49
No 481236
      no dwarfer...thanks!     

swiaj stopped the boil at 180 for just this reason...yep, it was probably burnt though it was only that hot for a few minutes...nothing was seperated...after 100 C or so swiaj guess' it was all non for the ph, swiaj had only that night made some red cabbage indicators and at the time, and with zero experience, swiaj had no idea...looking at the cabbage juice filter papers the next morning though, it would seem as if the np was neutral to slightly basic...the hcl that touched the papers is acidic!!! and the caustic is alkaline...well fuck me!!...dwarfer, at 5 in the morning when no one is here to help, your comments are very's a pitty swiaj fucked the lot before you guys got back to him...they were fucking freebase...dang fuck armpit belly button...mother mary's cunt flaps...bye for now,

holy sheep shit!!