beegeez (Stranger)
02-02-04 01:10
No 486017
      Large shards of glass?     

On a previous post, I was reading about recristillization
and there was a beeautiful picture of a large flask with
humongous sheets  of ...
Is that post still here? I tried TFSE, but with no avail
Can anyone help a beeee out?
(Hive Addict)
02-02-04 03:11
No 486034
      You Mean This?     

Post 483474 (ChemoSabe: "Shard Garden", Stimulants)

Not certain if it's the one but if it is I hate burst your bubble concerning the "humongous sheets" but they are closer to medium sized tooth picks. even so I still wouldn't kick 'em out of bed. cool

some nations went so far as to honor his poop as a valid form of currency
02-02-04 23:52
No 486149
      Midnight In The Garden of Good and ......     

Thanks ChemoSabe.  That would beee the one.
True, no "large shards", but, a beeautiful garden all the same!
(Hive Bee)
02-03-04 07:51
No 486186
      Some huge rocks     

Here are some huge rocks, by the man Jacked. Just thought beegeez might like to look at these as well.

Post 453219 (Jacked: "Crystal purity, An indicator", Stimulants)

absorb what is useful, reject what is useless
(Hive Addict)
02-04-04 05:21
No 486324
      Biggest Dime I've ever Seen     

Damn that's a big dime!!!cool

That style of granule shape is not something I've yet seen aside from in that picture. Sorta similar to rock salt. Gotta restudy my geology again 'cause I'm sure there's a standard crystal stone or type that this is similar to. I know meth crystals can grow like schyst and mica. You'd earn the status of a true crystallizing God though if you could somehow pull off a bonafide meth Geode.

some nations went so far as to honor his poop as a valid form of currency
(Of Counsel)
02-04-04 12:42
No 486378
      Small dimes     

No, Chemo, that is a SMALL dime. He got that the same place Hematite got those little bitty quarters in the pictures of his crystals grown in a thermos bottle.

Crystal shape has a lot to do with the solvents used and how fast the crystal is grown. You will note different shapes with acetone/water, ISO/acetone, iso/water/acetone, MeOH/acetone, MeOH/water. Also meth crystals grown in a single solvent have different shapes. Take, for one, the meth crystals that appear in really dry acetone. Meth is very slightly soluble in dry acetone, not enough to be a problem, but enough to recrystallize in longer spikes with short spikes on each end. Very pretty.

mostly harmless