RepVip (Hive Bee)
02-09-04 18:20
No 487577
      P2P + NaBH4 Method - Question     

../rhodium /meth-nabh4.html (../rhodium /meth-nabh4.html)

The synth is pretty straightforward, just have a few questions. Reaction would be scaled down to about 1/3.

1. Not sure how much silicagell balls to use. The document states 200ml of 3-5mm balls, but how much is 200ml? Wouldn't this depend on the width of the beaker they were measured in?

2. Instead of working up the reaction with DCM could you juse use say toluene and do a typical A/B extraction?

That's about it. Would be interested in hearing from bees that have performed this! Thanks,

(Chief Bee)
02-09-04 19:48
No 487592
      volume theory     

how much is 200ml? Wouldn't this depend on the width of the beaker they were measured in?

I'd say that ~200 mL is always ~200 mL as long as the width of the measuring container didn't approach the diameter of the balls themselves.

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders
(Hive Bee)
02-09-04 21:44
No 487609
      Holy shit! That really was a stupid ass ...     

Holy shit! That really was a stupid ass question frown. Sorry about that. My synapses just aren't firing today.

But other than that, it should be ok to work up the reaction with a non polar solvent with wash, acid extract, and purify? Rather than using DCM and rotovapping?

Many thanks,
(Chief Bee)
02-09-04 21:55
No 487613
      workup with another solvent     

You are free to perform the workup with another solvent, but as the solvent power of toluene isn't as good as that of DCM, increase the volume, and perform an extra extraction of the aqueous layer.

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders
(Hive Bee)
02-13-04 13:37
No 488440
      wet red amination     

I suggest you also take a look at Barium's excellent method:

Post 328680 (Barium: "A really wet reductive alkylation", Novel Discourse)

" Unorthodox cooking, illicit cooking. A bit of real science, in fact. "
02-15-04 10:40
(Rated as: redundant)