lilbumper (Stranger)
02-13-04 16:46
No 488477
      Should there bee more??     

Ok, after tons of searching and reading and searching...I am finally going to post a question here.  Please be gentle crazy.

I'm not kidding, I've been lurking around here for over a year.  I've done a couple of very, very small NANOs.  So, finally got the nerve up to go a little bigger (not much, but still).  Anyway, on to my  question.

SWIM was going to try the P/P.  Got everything together.  Cleaned and cleaned the E, mbrp, and i2.  Turned out had way too much E for the amount of rp, so batch was going to be smaller than hoped for.  Started out with 6e/7i/3.5rp.  Everything went as expected.  Reaction looked like what SWIM had read about...smoke and all.  pH looked good...everything.
End product smoked clean with no residue...VERY effective (Swim's been up almost 24hrs wink).  Problem is, only came out with 1g go-go. Seems like there should've been more...right?

If so, what was done wrong?  Everything was it possible to 'push' more out?

Don't get me wrong--this bee is EXZTREMELY estatic that there WAS and end product.  She was just hoping for a little more..wink
(Hive Addict)
02-13-04 18:41
No 488513
      Yes theres more....     

This is a good chance that the goodz are locked UP....
Several reasons for this, but briefly:
•There could be Gaaks present that are locking up the goodz.
•The pH may not be High enough to allow the amine migration UP(pH 13+)
•The post-rxn solution may not be dilute enough

If the problem is gaak related, then waiting it out works...24hour+
Or another way is to use dual NP, kerplunking, salting out!

If the problem is pH related, Base more until migration into the NP is seen.

If the problem is over-concenteration than add more dh2o to the post-rxn solution and ribbons will be seen moving into the NP.

a little less conversation, a little more reaction
(Distinctive Doe)
02-13-04 21:44
No 488557
      Probably an incomplete post reaction ...     

Probably an incomplete post reaction extraction.  You should bee able to get 3g easy, assumeing your feed was clean clean.  I hope you didn't discard anything yet!